Was Doing a Phone Interview and my Phone Died. How screwed am I?

How screwed am I? I’ve been at home sick all day sleeping, and had completely forgotten I had a phone interview. So I missed the first call, she luckily called me back. I thought I was doing pretty well during the interview, but me being the stupid sick person I am forgot to check to see if it was fully charged, it was not. It died right when she was telling about admissions and when I would get my letter. I’ve already emailed her, apologizing profusely, is there anything else I could do? I’ve never felt so royally screwed in my life.

You should buy her some flowers and an apology card (jk lol).

You emailed her the details and I’m sure she understands and has seen worse… Good Luck with whatever college you were being interviewed for!

You don’t need to do any more. You’ve already apologized. This isn’t fatal. Is the interview even an evaluative one or just informational? Even if its evaluative, you’ve done what you can. Let it go.

I wouldn’t send any flowers (it could be perceived as some kind of bribe). You already apologized, now see if you can schedule another time to finish your conversation.

I can’t remember the last time I got flowers when someone’s phone died on them while they were talking to me.

Couldn’t you have plugged it in and called her right back? But I agree this isn’t fatal. People’s phones die, though if you were sitting at home you had outlets.

When did u email her? The next day? Or seconds immediately after it happened?

Definitely no flowers. The email was the right thing to do.