<p>Just out of curiosity, how many of you are applying for scholarships through Wash U? I was reading in a past thread that they tend to receive well over 2,000 applications for each fellowship (Compton, Mylonas, Moog, and Lien) in addition to countless more for the University Scholars Program, etc.</p>
<p>You're welcome to post any questions or comments regarding WUSTL's scholarship programs here (since as of right now, as far as I can tell, there are only a few very fragmented threads started). </p>
<p>I’m applying for the Rodriguez and Ervin Scholars programs, and I’m wondering how many of each are given out. I’m pretty sure my chances of getting either are quite slim, but I’m hoping. Also, when are we notified of our finalist standing? </p>
<p>I’m also applying for the Entrepreneurial Scholars program. What are the chances of picking one of these up?</p>
<p>SAT: 2310 (710 CR, 800 M&W)
Fairly good extracurriculars
Our school doesn’t give GPA, but mine is about 3.8 UW, but at a tough magnet school. Would have a 4.5 W at a regular school probably.
I think my recs will be really strong.
I spend a good amount of time on my essays, and I think they’re all strong.</p>
<p>I am applying for scholarships, however my SAT scores provide a big weakness for me. My main goal is to show how interested I am in Wash U by applying for these scholarships and with luck win some.</p>
<p>The following is a link to WashU merit scholarships: [Scholarship</a> Programs At-A-Glance](<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/scholarships/programs/Pages/default.aspx]Scholarship”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/scholarships/programs/Pages/default.aspx)
The only one not listed is the Danforth, which is only by nomination in the fall of your senior year. All of them are very competetive, but obviously well worth while if you receive one. The Ervin & Rodriguez have the highest number awarded each year. All of the scholarships are for 4 years. WashU is also one of the few schools that does not deduct outside scholarships from WashU awards. If you are awarded a merit scholarship, you are still elegible for additional need based aid.</p>
<p>Hey on the General Application for Scholarships for SAT I Scores and ACT Scores do we put our best for each section or our best in one sitting? I’m not sure…</p>
<p>I’m applying for the Moog Scholarship and for the Friends of Music Scholars Program thing (the latter one is a $3500 scholarship i believe, but it’s better than nothing)</p>
<p>Does anyone know what is taken into account when applications are assessed for the various scholarships? Is the process based primarily on the contents of your essays and the recommendations that you submit, or does it take into account all of your credentials (essentially, what was submitted as part of the common app as well)?</p>
<p>In response to luked1629 – I was reading through threads from last year pertaining to the Arts & Sciences scholarships, so while I"m not sure whether or not the information would be the same for the Rodriguez and Ervin Scholars programs (or for this year, for that matter), it seems like finalists are notified by phone and by letter in the end of February/beginning of March. (Since Wash U’s website and the scholarship brochure both state that the finalists weekend will be held March 26-29, it makes sense that they’d notify you about a month in advance to account for travel plans, etc.)</p>
<p>caffeineaholic - Your total application is considered when choosing merit scholarship recipients. The essays and recommndations are used to diferentiate you from the other merit applicants. That is your opportunity to stand out, thus the advantage of not using the same essays and recs as those used in your admission application. The merit scholarship panel has access to your complete application.</p>
<p>Semi finalists are usually notified the last week in February. There are two scholarship weekends at the end of March. The first is for Danforth, Ervin, Rodriguez and a few others. The second is for the remainder of the merit scholarships. All semi finalists are invited to a all expense paid weekend at WashU (attendance is required). Final notification as to the specific award takes place about a week after the Scholars interview weekend.</p>
<p>When filling out the SAT and ACT scores on the general scholarship application, did you mix and match your scores or just list the set of scores from one of the tests that you did the best on?</p>
<p>lgregorio: I superscored (“mixed and matched”) because I’m pretty sure they say on their website that you are allowed to do so.</p>
<p>What did you guys put for the Educational Goal on the first page of the scholarship application? Should it just be a sentence or two, or does it need to be a paragraph?</p>
<p>i have another question, for the teacher recs, did yall use the form on wash u’s website or just the general common app teacher rec forms?</p>
<p>and since i’m pretty sure you have to use the wash u form (because it has the scholarships listed on it), on one teacher rec form did you check more than one scholarship? or do you only check one scholarship per rec form?</p>