Washington & Lee Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Wow, that’s an early Spring Break (might just be my area but ours is always early April!), and thank you, best of luck to you as well! Seems like Friday is the typical release from all other yearly threads so hopefully it’ll be then…the longer they wait then the less notice they are giving to finalists.

Do they pay for the trip for the campus final selection ?

Not OP, but yes! I guess my comment was confusing when I referenced “less notice” but I meant in terms of timing as people may have other plans…not everyone who is a finalist actually ends up attending to compete!

How is the process typically for international students who have to plan to travel within less than two weeks? I need to know just in case

I’m not sure, sorry! I haven’t looked to much into it in the case of internationals or even domestic applicants because I thought originally they were going to push this to be online, plus I didn’t want to somehow jinx myself.

Because you’re international though, I do think they need to let all the applicants know if they are finalists or not by tomorrow….otherwise it’s super short notice. In the past when it was in person, they would announce by end of January. Last year I get why it was mid-February, and that was because it was online.

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Tomorrow, February 11th, at 8 pm ET they will be released.


Wow! Do you know if they email or just update portal? Thx for the specifics!

"Dear NAME,

We are writing to let you know that on Friday, February 11, beginning at 8:00 p.m. EST, your Johnson Scholarship Application decision will be available through your account in our online applicant portal.

If you haven’t already, we encourage you to log in to your portal account using the login credentials we previously supplied you. Visit the portal instruction page for a link to the portal and for more information about how to log into your account, password help, and how to access your decision after 8:00 p.m. Friday.

Office of Admissions"


If you get into the Johnson scholarship does that mean you’ve been admitted to W&L?


Thank you so much, just received the email informing me that they’ll let me know if my Johnson scholarship application tomorrow :sob: am so nervous

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How many people are normally accepted as finalists ?? And how big is the pool of applicants usually?

Off the top of my head, I believe they choose close to 200 semi-finalists to progress to the interview process. After interview weekend, approximately half will be awarded the Johnson.

(Edit for clarity.)

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only 50 people are awardedvthe scholarship. (from their website(

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That is correct. The goal is to ultimately have about 45-50 Johnsons in the freshman class. Just like college admissions, they have to factor in yield. So they award the scholarship to more kids knowing that not all will accept it.

ETA: This is just from memory so don’t quote me :rofl: but last year I believe about 200 kids were selected as semi-finalists and out of that about 180 chose to participate in the interview weekend. Of that 180 approximately half were selected as Johnsons but only about half of those decided to attend W&L. Some of those kids received scholarships to other schools, at least one was accepted to a BS/MD program and didn’t want to give up that opportunity, several got into ivies,…


What time does the Johnson decisions come out

8 tonight i think

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If you get the Johnson does that mean you are admitted?

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definitely, johnson is full scholarship i believe so yeah means you got in as well

Did anyone get it