Background: I have done a lot of environmental work before and am very interested in environmental science. I got a packet in the mail saying I was nominated, and it had a sample schedule and said only 250 students would be able to participate. The schedule was very appealing to me, and I thought it would be a really good time, but I have seen a few people who have said it is a scam/cash grab. It also offers college credit. I also saw in one thread that it may somehow hurt college admissions, and I was hoping to put this on my application. Does anyone know anything about this program and if colleges would consider it desirable?
P.S. Not 100% sure if this is the right thread for this
the Summit also has solid reviews, however articles like this:
concern me. Even though this isn’t the program I am applying for it seems like something similar.
also it is hosted by george mason university, so its not like some weird organization
whenever I see the words “youth summit” together I just think… yikes…
if it’s really short like 1 or 2 weeks but costs a lot (>$1,000 per week) at the same time, it probably is a cash grab
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