<p>I decided to visit WashU in St. Louis and other schools in New England area of my top choices. I want to know whether I can sleep at a current student's dormitory at WashU (I don't have enough money to sleep at a hotel and I don't want it), and also I want to know CHEAP transportation from Boston to NYC (I will be visiting colleges near Boston and in NYC)
I will be leaving pretty soon (less than 24 hours from now on), so please reply me as soon as possible and feel free to email me at <a href="mailto:collegetrip2009@gmail.com">collegetrip2009@gmail.com</a>
BTW, I wish to visit Northwestern in IL, but it cost extra $300, so I decided to visit WashU</p>
<p>From CA (Bay Area: San Francisco, San Jose, or Oakland)---->St. Louis (WashU)----->Boston Logan International Air Port (I will be visiting several schools near Boston by bus and come back to Boston)--I heard there is a cheap bus at China Town in Boston (I have never visited MA, so I don't know anything about China Town) at there, I want to purchase a ticket to NYC so that I can visit some schools at NYC and then go to JFK International Airport come back to my home in Bay Area</p>
<p>In addition, if it is possible with spending less than 50 dollar, I want to visit University of Pennsylvania by bus from Boston.
Thanks :)</p>
<p>It’d help if you could let us know whether you’re a guy or a girl ;)</p>
<p>As far as anyone here at WashU is concerned, can I summarize your post into:</p>
[QUOTE=thegenius (in summary)]
Are there any current students at WashU who could help me find a place to stay on campus when I visit ____ days from now? Or who could point me to a college office (aka [Washington</a> University Admissions](<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu%5DWashington”>http://admissions.wustl.edu)) that could help with this?
<p>Which day would you be in St. Louis, seeing as how your other travel plans aren’t affecting a student who would host you here?</p>
<p>Thank you I am a guy!
I am on a website (ka**k.com-I am not advertsing :P) and the price is crazy!!! please PM me! I am trying to leave with in 12 hours on sunday and arrive WashU at monday and stay for about one~two days.</p>
<p>Do I have to reserve seat for Dartmouth Coach or can I buy it at the Logan Airport with 35 bucks?</p>
<p>As far as getting somewhere to stay at WashU, what I would recommend you do is to call (800) 638-0700 or (314) 935-6000 (that’s the April welcome receptionist) and try to see what they can figure out. They’ll have a list of all the students who have said they’re willing to host prefrosh (that would be you) for a night or two. Technically the receptionists hours are only weekdays till 5:00pm, so I don’t know if you’ll get a response till Monday there. </p>
<p>I know nothing about the Dartmouth Coach or other east-coast transportation, sorry. Getting a little close to the decide-on-a-college deadline, eh? :/</p>
<p>I’m not sure if they’ll have people available, because it seems you are arriving on a sunday. When i visited during april, I remember they needed at least a week notice to match you with someone. And, it’s approaching to be Finals week and WILD and Thurtene just happened, so we’re all getting into study mode so don’t be surprised if the campus isn’t as lively as it might otherwise be (hooray for the library being open until 4am, haha!)</p>
<p>if you can’t find someone on campus to stay with, then stay at either of these two hotels:</p>
<p>-The Knight Center, on Wash U’s campus. It’s basically a hotel in the center of campus for like under $100 per night. There’s a website somewhere for it. The ideal option for you.
-Sheraton downtown Clayton, which has free shuttles to Wash U’s campus. Maybe 5 minutes away at the most</p>
<p>There are other close by hotels, but those will be your best options.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I am about to buy a ticket online: </p>
<p>Monday April/27/2009 (WashU—>Boston–(Boston to NYC by China Town Bus)—
JFK---->San Francisco, (Oakland, or San Jose) Airport
Please PM me if you would like to invite me for overnight sleep (
I will behave well)</p>
<p>So, I will be at WashU at after April/27/2009 12:00 AM </p>
<p>BTW, Are you guys in final season? Hope to see you on campus this coming Monday and Tuesday!!! :)</p>
<p>I also want to visit Library, taste some campus food, talk with professors and students, attend some of the classes, visit WashU Medical School and notable places near the school, etc.</p>
<p>Any suggestion to bring for my college trip?
I am gonna bring only one backpack, including cell phone charger, map, cloths (light-weight jacket, spare shirt, socks, etc), pen and note, [your suggestion???], tooth paste and brush, comb, 1 small book, small soap, etc.
I am not sure where I have to sleep in NYC, because I don’t wanna send 120 dollar per nights, but it does not bother me. Perhaps, I have to ask my friend living in NYC.</p>
<p>Slight problem with your plans- classes are over (except for the few that still meet tomorrow).</p>
<p>So, what would be going on WashU right now? I heard about it okay, how are the Pre-med and other (like business job, other graduate school) Advising? I heard that the Pre-med cutthroat is pretty bad.</p>
<p>As has been posted numerous times on these threads, Wash U is one of the least cutthroat of the heavily premed schools out there.</p>
<p>try boltbus.com if you are looking for boston to new york transportation.</p>