<p>I have noticed that we are completley unsupervised here on the CC boards, its like we are our own board of sorts.</p>
<p>I think we have the most arguments here, and say the most dirty words, and talk about a lot of offtopic things, and myself in perticular, i know i have said a lot of sexually based things but no one ever noticed.</p>
<p>Anyhow, i noticed this when i went into the harvard forum and advised someone to get laid....... seriously sometimes i feel people have no life outside of trying to get into school, there has to be a balance, i would rather go to a #25 school and get laid, go out, have fun, then go to a #1 school but never lay eyes on a P*nis. :) but thats just me. </p>
<p>this thread has no point aside form me wondering if anyone else has noticed what i noticed.</p>