We got screwed

<p>I’m not as upset about us not getting in as I am that UGA got in as a 10 seed with no better resume than ours (except RPI) and we just beat them twice in the last week. Total BS!!</p>

<p>The committee went strictly by RPI instead of any other factor. Every year they say RPI doesn’t matter that much and every year they prove to be FOS. </p>

<p>Then you have the case of UAB (yoU Ain’t Bama). A team that has no quality wins whatsoever and they put them in instead of us.</p>

<p>Apparently losing to higher rated teams is better than beating lower ranked teams. Whatever. I’m still proud of this team and the job Coach Grant has done.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I graduated from VCU/MCV and I am a fan, but to put them ahead of Virginia Tech and Alabama. NO WAY!!! I live in Virginia and the VT fans are shocked also!!!</p>

<p>Being raised on KU basketball I was totally stoked to think that UA might be a basketball school too. I researched a little last night and must admit I too was SHOCKED that UA and Colorado both got dissed. But I was totally DISGUSTED when I saw where Georgia was ranked! It was, at the very least, unfortunate. But I truly hope Bama can end up being a basketball school soon, it would be fun to have two sports to root for. </p>

<p>Meanwhile, since your team is out anyway, please don’t hesitate to send a little positive MOJO to KU. If you can’t roll tide you can at least root against the Carolina schools and rock chalk:D (just this once)</p>