Weather for preview weekend

<p>55 and cloudy, according to the Weather Channel. Brrr… :(</p>

<p>Bummer…it’s sunny with blue skies and fluffy white clouds today…</p>

<p>^^^YaY! Glad there is good weather today! My D has been so grumpy about all the rain recently! We joked that we were going to send her one of those hats with the umbrella attached…she didn’t go for it.</p>

<p>It might be chilly for you guys, but that weather sounds wonderful to me! I’ve been waking up to 30° weather and frosted windshields every morning here in Illinois, so anywhere in the 50s is practically spring foe me! I can’t wait to wear a skirt again! Haha. :)</p>

<p>Update…preview weekend is now within the “10 day forecast” :)</p>

<p>[Intellicast</a> - Tuscaloosa Extended Forecast in Alabama (35406)](<a href=“Intellicast | Weather Underground”>Intellicast | Weather Underground)</p>

<p>Friday 2/22 67/46 PC
Saturday 2/23 67/49 PC
Sunday 2/24 59/49 Sunny</p>

<p>Of course it will most likely change a few times…</p>

<p>Saturday am in Tuscaloosa I am doing a 5k with DD. Note to self…pack warm weather gear…49 is chilly ;/.</p>

<p>Will that be a cool 67 or a warm 67?
I am so ready for spring…
whose bright idea was it for us to go skiing spring break :/</p>

<p>LOL, I am reading this thread because DS and I will be there for UFE and CBHP weekends next weekend and, when I saw the temps, I was thinking, “OMG! It’s going to be warm!” Hahaha. Living in the frozen tundra, my perspective is skewed. :wink: Our high here while we are in Bama will be 36. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We were in St Louis (8 hrs SOUTH of home) this past weekend, and even the 40’s felt warm! I’m getting excited for a weekend in the 60’s at UA. Now I just have to talk DD2 our of the shorts and sandals she got out to pack…'cause here in WI, 60’s is full on spring/early summer weather.</p>

<p>Ugh…now rain!!! Let’s hope it changes again before Saturday.</p>

<p>Revised to partly cloudy 64</p>