Weather in Bama

Hi, I have already read the other post about weather in bama but still had some questions. Is it usually warm all year? Does it snow often? What are the seasons like? (Any info on the weather, season, etc would be awesome!)

“Warm” depends on what you’re used to. I guess to someone from Minnesota, the weather is pretty much warm all year, but to someone from Miami, it’s not. Generally speaking, summers are very hot and humid. Think 90 degrees and up, with 80% and higher humidity every day. Usually higher. August - it rains a lot, like every day. Highs of 100 to 105 are not unusual in the late summer and early fall. Fall is lovely, but it’s short - say October through November. Winters tend to be quite cool and rainy - 40 degree highs. It can snow, but it’s usually a dusting that’s gone by mid-afternoon. Springs are glorious - flowers blooming, trees leafing, thermometer soaring. That’s usually mid- to late March through mid-May.
BUT - I’ve seen a 95-degree high and a 50 degree high in September, a 20 degree high and a 70 degree high in January. One thing doesn’t change - the weather WILL change!

For the past 4 years, if memory serves me correctly, UA has actually shut down because of ice storms and/or extreme cold in the winter months. (It actually freak-snowed quite a bit once in early 2013? and there were snowball fights on the quad.) But the ice is something that can be pretty severe. As a state, AL is not prepared (in my opinion) to handle severe cold weather like the northern states are. The safest thing to do is just shut down the university and all the roads.

Also, there is severe weather of another kind: thunderstorms and sometimes tornadoes, which you should be aware of. Google James Spann and bookmark or follow him in times of need.

If you have allergies, you may have issues more so than in northern climates, where there is less blooming going on.

In general, the SE of the US is going through drought (extreme in TN, parts of GA and FL). It may or may not be as wet in AL as it has been in the past. But when it rains, it does pour! :wink:

thank you! I am from New Jersey so do you think Alabama will be as cold as New Jersey @aeromom

It can get below freezing in Alabama, but it’s rare. It won’t be as cold as New Jersey. But you will have more severe weather (thunderstorms, tornadoes).

As you know coming from the Northeast, there are No shortages of storms. We deal with Noreasters, hurricanes, severe cold, ice storms, tons of winter snow, not to mention those blizzards which strand people for days. Compare that to an occasion light snowfall, perhaps one ice storm and rain. Don’t forget those mild springs and lovely warm days.

Do you prefer trudging to class in 4 feet of snow and slush, or having to drive to class after first scraping your car and shoveling the snow off the top, all while clad in boots and tons of winter gear? Or would you prefer to just stroll out of your dorm and walk/bike to class in shorts and a t-shirt? Remember, you can alway hop on the Crimson bus system in case of inclement weather or for easy transportation.

There is also in my opinion a huge misconception about the heat in the summer. Is it hot there? You bet, but have you ever experienced a NY/NJ summer without high humidity? Often, ongoing for weeks. I have found that the summers in Tuscaloosa are extremely bearable, because everywhere you go is fully air conditioned. Besides most students do not even spend their summers in Tuscaloosa, they return home, they travel, they do internships, they work, they vacation. So they’re not on campus. If you do stay to take a class, campus is fully air conditioned and the weather can be lovely in the evenings. Just my opinion. Your choice.

Spring is probably the nicest season, summer is hot and humid- what you would expect in the south. Fall tends to be more or less and extension of summer. Winters are not terribly cold temperature wise, but do tend to be damp so often feel colder than the numbers would suggest. Snow is rare, freezing rain/ice is not uncommon.

I recall only one ice storm in March 2015 in Tuscaloosa. If you have a lower temp and rain, you might experience some glaze, but the temps don’t stay cold for long, so melting is very quick. In my book, that’s really nothing. See the average temperatures:

Climate Tuscaloosa - Alabama °C | °F
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Average high in °F: 56 61 70 77 84 90
Average low in °F: 35 38 45 52 61 69
Av. precipitation in inch: 5.35 5.59 4.84 4.33 4.13 4.49

                        Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Average high in °F: 93 93 88 78 68 58
Average low in °F: 72 72 65 53 44 37
Av. precipitation in inch: 5.12 3.78 3.54 3.82 5.2 4.72

Don’t forget the blizzard of 2016, which dumped more than 30 inches of snow in parts of NJ, and that’s just One storm.

I don’t want to leave the impression that winter weather is unduly bad in Tuscaloosa and/or Alabama. In relation to other parts of the US, it is far milder and less severe. But the university takes it serious enough to close, when necessary.
I had a look to refresh my memory. :-B UA classes were suspended on at least the following dates due to ice/snow/cold weather:


This is according to UA weather alerts I have received. (Of course, the university has been closed for other weather-related events, such as tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.)

You can sign up for these alerts here:

During the school year…

The first couple of weeks are hot summer…wear cotton, shorts, sandals/flip flops

Then Fall begins and it’s lovely. Leaves are changing colors.

Then Winter…usually MILD, occasionally temps will drop, VERY occasionally will get snow flurries, VERY VERY rarely will get any snow accumulation (like once every few years).

Then Spring…very lovely, flowers and trees are blooming.

Most days are sunny with blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

(No way are winters anything like NJ!!! )