<p>how's the weather there? during aug-oct....wintertime...springtime...raincoat or big winter jacket?</p>
<p>and i won't need to bring a fan for these last weeks of summer will i?</p>
<p>August/September are fairly warm, but not too hot (might be different this year, with that heat wave and all) Winter isn't very cold, but it's definitely colder than SoCal, so this all depends on where you're from and what you're used to. It rained like hell last spring, and although that was unusual rainfall, it does rain considerably. So...umbrella, raincoat. You don't need like the warmest peacoat in the world or anything, but I had a coat (I'm a girl). Still, I was okay in the coldest months with hoodies and layers of long sleeve tees. </p>
<p>I don't think you need a fan; I never got very hot in the dorms and if I did I'd crack open the window. But if you want, of course, you could bring it; it's not unheard of</p>