
<p>Because I'm a nice guy, I'm allowing my staff to make up the time on Saturday, but only if the buses aren't running.</p>

<p>Me--I'll walk to work if they are no buses.</p>

<p>If they have to postpone Friday finals it could mess up a lot of travel plans- including parents trying to use the weekend to transport kids in between snows. At least we're in the snow belt- not the possible inch of ICE south of Chicago with this storm. And to think I wore a light sweater on Christmas Day in the area one year, it was in the 60's probably.</p>

<p>Well, the buses are running, thankfully. I don't what I was thinking about the walking thing. I was exhausted just coming through the Botany Garden to Bascom. Snow was quite deep.</p>

<p>news:</a> Plows can't keep up this morning; travel not recommended</p>

<p>Gee, my dad's only 82 and cleared his driveway (the article told of an 86 year old woman doing hers). Thank goodness they had finals today, we're picking up son and seeing my dad before the next Wis snowfall on Saturday. Monday will be COLD again. This is another memorable December, I guess we're paying for some unsnowy, warmer winters in the recent past. You know it's an atypically rough winter when even the locals complain.</p>

<p>I was groaning online today to my nephew about how cold (-10 today) and snowy it has been. He reminded me that he went to college at Syracuse. I conceded.</p>

<p>Well, I checked the weather for Madison for the week and it says a high of 0 degrees on Thursday. Is that the coldest so far this year? Looks like a chilly one hehe.</p>

<p>Yes, and predicted wind chills of -20 to -40!</p>

<p>The temperatures in Wis this week may be the lowest they have been in 15 years! This is not being an average winter in the state, snow and cold. Fortunately classes for second semester don't start until Tuesday, Jan 20th and it will be a bit warmer this Sat when the dorms reopen.</p>