Am I crazy to come to Wisconsin after living in California my whole life?

<p>What do you think the weather shock will be like? </p>

<p>That's pretty much the only thing that's preventing me from SIRing right now.</p>

<p>I lived in Southern California for 10 years. You might come to love Wisconsin. It is a time in your life to be adventurous and try something new. Don’t let the weather hold you back if the campus life and academics are a good fit for you.</p>

<p>My two best friends here are from California, and I grew up in Wisconsin but lived in Florida for several years. You will be fine. My friends from California don’t mind the weather (one tends to complain if it’s not 70 degrees, which is obviously not that frequent in fall/winter, but that’s just her I think lol). There are a lot of people from California here, and most everyone who goes here absolutely loves it, bad weather or not.</p>

<p>My son is from California and he is going to Wisconsin happily! He wanted a new experience for college. He will get a new wardrobe and be fine. In November he and I toured the campus in 37 degree temperature ( which is probably not even that cold for Wisconsin) and he did fine. You will too!</p>

<p>Let’s be real…from California to Madison…yes, you will have to adjust to the weather. Madison gets very cold in the winter. Just make sure you have the appropriate clothing and you will be fine, but yes, my guess it that it will be shocking to you.</p>

<p>Snow, blizzard, locusts & pestilence…not necessarily in that order.</p>

<p>But State Street any time of year makes up for it! Go for it :)</p>

<p>The weather isn’t really the issue; it’s the culture.</p>

<p>If you are the sort of person who is intrigued by the idea of living in a foreign country then the culture change from where you were born and raised may be energizing to you . . . and the weather will be just another item in the long list of exotic differences. </p>

<p>Just get a big layer for the winter and pretend you’re in Tahoe without the mountains or in Fresno with snow :-)</p>

<p>thanks guys. just sent in my deposit!</p>

<p>My son’s going to be attending in the fall, from L.A. I used to live in Wisconsin and as a young person, the weather is not really a big deal. I had not been back in awhile until a weeks ago when we came to visit. It was a moderate day then (30’s). And frankly, I was overdressed. It’s been that long since I was in a Winter climate.</p>

<p>The best advise is to layer as inside temperature will be warm.</p>

<p>I am STILL waiting for my decision, I was postponed. What is that all about. Anyways, I live at the beach in San Diego, and Wisconsin is my 1st choice school. I think if we wear what we wear for our “cold” weather in SD, … yes we will freeze. :slight_smile: I know that I will need a new wardrobe; and, I want a change, can’t wait for some cold and snow. We can always go back, but now is the time for a little change and I’d say, bring on the cold and snow. Everyone says “why do you want to leave this beautiful place with perfect weather??” I say, I want to experience something new. There you have it :)</p>

<p>5nonnegotiables: My son feels exactly the same way as you do! He says he may not necessarily stay in Wisconsin for the rest of his life, but he is ready for a change and what better time to experience a change than when you are young and adaptable and in college! Good luck on hearing back your decision soon!</p>

<p>The liquor keeps you warm in the winter.</p>