Webb Tower anyone?

<p>K here’s the Deal…I got Webb Tower…why would I pass this up?</p>

<p>Basically my Sister is now in CA trying to get into a UC and I need someone to take my spot</p>

<p>It may be fillet but if not, its 2 Bd. 4 Person, and in Webb!</p>

<p>Only condition, you can’t have a Student Housing Contract already</p>

<p>Wed. is latest so if someone wants Webb, eMail me: <a href="mailto:westsidemon@aol.com">westsidemon@aol.com</a> or</p>

<p>(213) 253-8367…mention CC is where you saw this</p>


<p>I'd really like to take the spot in Webb, but I already have a housing contract. Damn.</p>

<p>Is it hard to get Webb?</p>

<p>Sigh....I lived in Webb in 1974-1975. I heard it is remodeled and looks even more beautiful than it was...</p>

<p>I'm probably aging myself. I went to USC with Ron Howard, Dino Martin Jr. and Anthony Davis.</p>

<p>webb is really nice</p>

<p>nevermind...was able to work it out and moved in today :)</p>