<p>Do schools consider weighted rank or unweighted rank?</p>
<p>I have a B+ in freshman PE, and A- in two random art subjects.. which pushed me into lower top 10% on UW rank.</p>
<p>But my course rigor far exceeds anyone else's and my weighted rank is #1.</p>
<p>So... what will schools consider?</p>
<p>Both. Your unweighted GPA will definitely factor in, but colleges will also take your challenging classes into consideration.</p>
<p>ok. my school’s pretty easy :|. I have a 3.97 UW and i’m number 12 o_o so lame. </p>
<p>Thanks for the help.</p>
<p>They will consider both, but mostly weighted, because it shows that your school has many people that take easy classes and get all A’s, but you take more challenging courses. The fact that you are #1 is pretty good. Don’t worry about your rank.</p>