Weird/Unusual/not as common/rare/creative/create your own majors

<p>This is for any major that isn't as typical, maybe it's just a bit different, like aeronautical engineering, or it's really far fetched. My prospective major is meteorology with a double major/minor w/ computer animation</p>

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<p>I'm still not sure what I'd like to major in, but here are a few choices: Neuroscience, Aeronautical Engineering, or Social Work (NYU's School of Social Work).</p>

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<p>i thought about social work for a while, but I don't think it's right for me. Both my parents work with mentally retarded individuals, many of whom were brought up by foster parents because they were in tough situations, and I don't think I could ever do that.</p>

<p>I want to major in the most unusual (and annoyingly rare) subject...Egyptology. :)</p>

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<p>Egyptology for undergrad? Are you sure you want to specialize that much? Anthro will get you to the same place and leave you some options.</p>

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<p>Well...If you want to get technical, I want to major in Near Eastern Studies (a surprisingly broad field) at the University of Chicago or JHU. I also plan on majoring in biology (graduate school as well), so I will have a job. :)</p>

<p>If you do want to get into Egyptology for grad school, though, you need an extensive ancient language background; at least that's what Chicago told me. I'm not sure anthropology offers that.</p>

<p>Well, an anthropology degree is very flexible and the anthro majors I know are all working towards proficiency in another language as well as take the applicable classes outside the department (history, sociology, whatever).</p>

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<p>I am doing Statistics which actually is one of the most rarly done majors.</p>

<p>Mine is Social Policy. It's interdisciplinary (primiarly social sciences) and I plan to concentrate in urban affairs and maybe some poverty issues.</p>

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<p>I really want to look into Brown's Late Antique Civs major. Apparently, it's the only one in the US.</p>

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<p>Near/Middle/Far Eastern Studies. I don't know how rare this is, but I'll probably take two or three languages in whichever area I choose.</p>

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<p>Woohoo! Another NES major! What colleges are you researching? Middle Eastern Studies and Far Eastern Studies (East Asian Studies?) aren't that rare. BTW, I like your Location. It reminds me of Plato's Myth of the Cave. :)</p>

<p>RaboKarabekian- The University of Chicago has a similar program.</p>

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<p>I think near eastern/middle eastern/asian studies is rarer to study, though it's not a rare major for a college to have</p>

<p>I'm going for Evolutionary Biology. Not many schools offer it and the ones that do are like, Harvard and Yale and Princeton, so I've got my fingers crossed.</p>

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<p>Umich has it too.</p>

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<p>Comparative Architecture, and Chinese architecture history, have you guys ever heard about it?</p>

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<p>I have not, that sounds really interesting though</p>

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<p>Can you explain Comp Architecture please?</p>

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<p>I defined Comparative Architeture as the study of comparing the similarities and differences between two types of related architecture (i.g. Japanese Architecture and Chinese Architecture), or the similarities and differences between architectures bulit in different period, like Tang Dynasty and Ming Dynasty...........</p>

<p>Earlham college in Indiana has a few unusual majors including
1. Wilderness education
2. Non-profit business management
3. Human Development (a combo of psych, sociology, anthro, focused on social services and other helping careers)
4. Peace and global studies</p>

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