Welcome to the Yale 2009 Community

<p>This is something new at CC - we've enjoyed the communities of hopefuls that developed within each college topic, and shared the joys and sorrows as the letters came out. We've decided to create a special space for those CC members who plan to attend Yale in 2009. Hope you enjoy it, and good luck in the fall!</p>

<p>Thanks Roger, this is a great idea :)</p>

<p>Thanks, that is really nice))</p>

<p><em>hugs Roger</em></p>

<p>There is also a community on Livejournal. Check it out. <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/community/yale_2009%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.livejournal.com/community/yale_2009&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks to God, I didn't get in Yale! Because I was accepted to much more beaytiful, fine and intense university!!</p>

<p>oh yeah stardragon you really sound thrilled that yale didnt accept you.. i suppose thats why you feel the need to hang around the yale forums trying to pump up the school you're now going to.. even online your fake relief doesnt work</p>

<p>Don't judge by yourself... I wasn't here for a month, and looked at here for a second. But I read that Yale Community is so.. so... so...good, great etc. and i decided to write that not only yale has really good students and community.</p>

<p>But you with your stubborn statement just proved that this yale community is consisted of arrogant amoral students, who don't see anything besides themseves</p>

<p>Don't feed the troll cocotte.</p>

<p>Leave this thread to die in peace everyone else.</p>