Well organized chance thread. Please VIEW!!!!! and comment!!!!

<p>I’m in favor of racially blind admissions. I don’t even think there should be a Black History month.</p>

<p>Then why mention that “Asians aren’t exactly underrepresented”? Why should representation at a university mimic the makeup of the entire U.S. population? Seeing as America still sees itself as somewhat meritocratic, it just doesn’t make sense.</p>

<p>I agree with GOPTexas.</p>

<p>On a related note, OP is a boss. Good luck.</p>

<p>Duke ED-er here - IMHO I don’t think the 4’s on the AP score will hurt at all - your EC’s are at the state-level which is impressive, plus three varsity letters; so I’d day your chances are definitely above average, but top schools can do weird things with admissions so who knows, but I’m certain you’ll get into at least three of the top-tier schools on your list. Good luck man!</p>

<p>ur ECs are ridiculously good.</p>

<p>try and apply for some UC’s and maybe NYU.</p>

<p>although im still a junior i have been roaming this site and saw a bunch of other chance me threads and yours stands out a lot more.</p>

<p>most of the schools u have applied to are like ‘reach schools’ </p>

<p>i mean i have heard that people with 2400s on SAts and 4.0s UW walk in and get rejected to these schools.</p>

<p>anyways GL to u</p>

<p>@GOPTexas: what do you, then, think of Proportional Representation, the voting system? lol…</p>

<p>Freshman year:
Honors Geometry: 92/91
Honors Biology: 89/90
World History: 96/96
Latin I: 95/94
Spanish II: 76!!!/90</p>

<p>Sophmore year:
English: 92/91
Honors Algebra II: 91/92
Honors Chemistry: 92/92
Government/Econ 95/93
Latin II: 91/91
Chorus: 98</p>

<p>Junior year:
AP English: 90/90 (4)
Honors Pre Calculus: 89/91
Honors Physics: 90/92
AP US History: 95/95 (4)
Latin III: 93/92
Chrous: 100/100</p>

<p>Senior year:
AP English: 90?
AP Calculus: 95?
AP Human Geography: 95?
AP Latin: 90?
Chorus: 100?</p>

<p>I’m feeling a little insecure after the deferral but this is basically what my transcript looks like. Am I basically screwed? my unweighed gpa is only a 91.</p>