Well Rounded Student


<p>I've done one of these before but I had a short list of accomplishments and I didn't really feel like that was suitable and I did not have much feedback. </p>

<p>My SAT is a 1410/1600 and a 2030/2400. I have a 3.72 UW GPA (with weighting it's probably well above a 4.0 as I've only taken AP's and Honors). My class rank is 15/111. I have taken 3 AP courses so far, and 3 this year, my senior year. I received a 3 on Human Geography (9th grade), a 4 on APUSH (11th grade), and a 5 on Language and Composition (11th grade). This year I'm taking AP Environmental Science, AP Calc, and AP Bio. I have taken two SAT II's, receiving a 600 on HUSH and a 700 on Math 1, and I'm going to be taking Lit, Math II, and M Bio.</p>

<p>Besides from schoolwork, I have many interests. Tennis consumes most of my extra time. I have been top 8 in my state competition last year and the year before that, and I was #2 in my league. I will most likely be #1 this year. I can probably compete at high end Division 3 schools or low-end Division 1 schools. I have played numerous USTA tournaments and USTA League events.</p>

<p>I am deeply involved in Mock Trial and have been since the 6th grade. Last year, out team made it to the quarterfinals of the state competition, losing to the eventual champions. This year we participated in an international mock trial competition called the Empire City Invitational, where I was the captain and we beat a few international teams. I really enjoy mock trial and I think I will write about my experience with mock trial on my essay.</p>

<p>I am also deeply involved with my school music program and other music scenes. I have been the piano player in my jazz band all 4 years, and I have played piano since I was 7 years old. I have done chorus all 4 years and I am, this year, in a chorus composed entirely of good singers in our school's league. I also play jazz piano in a jazz group that myself and a few good players from the jazz band have put together. We have played at markets, town squares, and other venues (there are 5 of us). I have also been playing the drums for 5 years on the side with a rock/alternative band that meets every once and a while.</p>

<p>This year, I have been selected to participate in what our schools has named the Costa Rican Rainforest Project. It's an initiative to study different ecosystem's and its inhabitants niches in order to better understand our world, and to bring the data we collect back here and to disseminate it into the scientific community. This program has numerous patents, mostly dealing with types of incredibly resilient spider silk. I am one of two students from my school that has been selected for this program, and, upon my return, I am to write a complete dissertation. </p>

<p>I am a member of NHS, Latin National Honor Society, and Prom Committee. </p>

<p>I have very good teacher recommendations, one from an english teacher and one from a math teacher. </p>

<p>My essays are turing out to be very strong according to the teachers that I have met with, so I hope that will help my chances.</p>

<p>I'd like to major in Political Science or a relating field. I am deeply interested in politics, law, and even economics, areas of interest that don't shine through in my academic records, although my teachers and peers know how much I am interested in these areas.</p>

<p>So, that's me. I feel that, as the title of the thread implies, I am a well-rounded student, interested in a lot of activities. Please chance me on the following schools, and if you are unable to chance me, maybe you could offer me other schools that match my stats/bio? thanks.</p>

Providence College</p>

<p>Any other schools would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the help anyone can give. I will return the favor if someone has a thread. Thank you.</p>

<p>What team were you on for the Empire? I was on team Seaver from Tottenville HS--the host school. Did you win any awards? I won an outstanding attorney award on Prosecution (19 ranks) and defense (17 ranks).</p>

<p>Just based on your SAT/GPA I would say everything is a Match except for Brown and Penn. Because those are Ivy's, they are super unpredictable- especially Brown! However, I would definitely apply because they are more on the "slight reach" side than anything. As far as your EC's go, although you have many accomplishments, it's nothing that the admissions committee's have ever seen before.</p>


<p>Oh and I was from Litchfield. I think we competed against your team and I'm also 100% certain we lost haha. You had a very good, well-practiced team. I did not receive any awards and neither did anyone from Litchfield as far as I know.</p>

<p>Nice to see a well rounded student for once on this website. You have great stats, and prb have a great shot at everything apart from the ivies, as well. they're ivies, and you can't say! Good luck, chance me back? <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/582101-chance-carnegie-mellon-ed-i-ll-chance-back-if-ud-like.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/582101-chance-carnegie-mellon-ed-i-ll-chance-back-if-ud-like.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yeah, we played you in the third round....I closed that round. You guys were really good, you should be proud of your performance! Do you have a facebook?</p>

<p>bumpp pleace chance...i'll chance back or whatever this whole swapping of opinions is called</p>

<p>and yes ill pm you...</p>

<p>bump ((10))</p>

<p>Brown- 50% Chance (GPA is a killer)</p>

<p>UPenn- not so sure, maybe 60%?</p>

<p>JHU- 60%</p>

<p>NYU- 70%</p>

<p>BC- Not sure.</p>

<p>Northwestern- 65%</p>

<p>Fordham- Not Sure</p>

<p>UCONN- Not sure</p>

<p>Providence College- Not sure</p>

<p>Sorry, I owed you a chances but I failed epically at it.
You are really well rounded and your passion in some of those activities is going to carry you a great distance. Way to go!</p>

<p>^^^That's overly generous, at least I think so.</p>

<p>You're a great student, and I would say you're definitely in at Fordham, UCONN, and Providence </p>

<p>You stand a decent shots at BC and NYU</p>

<p>JHU and Northwestern are reasonable reaches for you stats</p>

<p>However, I think Brown and UPenn are really high reaches for you, given that their average SAT score hovers around 2150, and you're below the top 10% of your class. Not to be mean, you seem like an excellent student, but I think your chances at Brown and UPenn are very slim.</p>

<p>yeah wishwash thanks for having so much confidence in me haha but those percentages are out of conrol high. simpson thanks for your input as well... i'd only apply to those schools because i think i can play tennis possibly but i'm not sure. do you have any other schools i might consider for match or reach category? i am definitely applying to jhu and northwestern, along with bc and nyu. any others? i appreciate it</p>

<p>bumppp (10)</p>

<p>btw what is cc?</p>

<p>this is cc. College Confidential :)</p>

<p>right haha...i've never been good with acronyms</p>

<p>Just got a 2100 combined score due to the Oct. SATs (thought I did much better, alas...) if that changes chances on anything thanks</p>