Well, we are all packed up and ready to go!

<p>we are here! got in around 6pm. went for a uick dinner adn then moved most of the stuff into the dorm. still have a good bit of setting up to do tomorrow, but the hard part is done. : )</p>

<p>robotbldmom - is jonathan still in RCS-N? katie is - 111. : )</p>

<p>MikeW: Sent you a PM</p>

<p>Bassettmomma - glad to hear storage went well. AL see you soon, at least we know what the boys look like so we can finally meet face to face.</p>

<p>Happy to report that lil bro arrived safely around 11:30pm. He left here at 7am and drove straight through. </p>

<p>Hopefully everyone else will arrive safely as well. Have fun at move-in tomorrow.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Morning all! We’ll be leaving at about 6:30am tomorrow and D has an 10am move in time. DH & D will pack the car a little later so we can just roll out the door in the am. She’s so ready to get back on campus! </p>

<p>Thanks for all the tidbits about how move in is going :)</p>

<p>Drive from Texas yesterday was uneventful, if long. Preparing for move in to RCE @ 10. Of all things, I forgot the Move-in parking pass :frowning: Hoping they will let our fully loaded SUV in anyway. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Just FYI i’ve never had trouble moving in without the parking pass. Its so crazy the ticket police don’t usually patrol the move in areas on those days.</p>

<p>The people controlling car access to the dorms were checking students’ names off a list when I moved in today, so it should be okay if you don’t have the move-in parking pass.</p>

<p>Our son’s three suite mates all showed up safely, one Friday night and two Saturday, with all of their move-ins going very smoothly. Son says they all seem to have hit it off well. They went to the honors reception, played Risk (they ran to Target together to purchase) for part of the afternoon/evening, then were heading off together last night for some kind of event/party at a Fraternity. One from Florida, one from North Carolina, one from Ohio, and one from Illinois. One business major, two engineering majors, and one biology major, all on the NMF scholarship, and three of them are CBHP students. Son will now need to work on time management skills in order to finish the journal requirements for Outdoor Action, which he had planned on finishing before classes start this week.</p>


<p>Ridgecrest South - North Tower. The North Carolinian was surprised to find they let him move in on Friday. That was better than staying in the 2 Star hotel we had booked for him. Yes, he’s happy with his suite and suitemates…</p>

<p>loring, Son wasn’t sure yours would be given his room key, but not surprised that UA housing was accommodating. It seems like every time someone at UA has the opportunity to help and/or act in a reasonable fashion, they do. Good to make the connection that our son’s are suite mates and good to hear that yours is also happy. I like that they are all from different states/regions and that they have a variety of majors. Here is to a good first year for all of them. We are skipping Family Weekend, but heading down the following week on Sept. 22. Looking forward to meeting all the suite mates for the first time.</p>

<p>I agree, everyone tries to be helpful. S arrived a day early last week and wasn’t even questioned. It wasn’t really busy though on Sat. Next year we will be able to plan better, this was H’s first drive down & they had no idea whether they would stop. They ended driving the 16 hours with several small food breaks.
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I shouldn’t be surprised but this one was even more efficient than last years! D had a 10 am move in time. We pulled up on the dot and a swarm of wonderful UA people came up with carts and boxes on casters. D & DH went with them while D2 & I drove over to the storage facility. 1/2 hour later we returned to the dorm where they recognized us and took the 2nd load up. I drove over to the Parent Parking lot where a bus was waiting & dropped me off at Ridgecrest South-North Tower. Total time including travel to storage, unloading 2 loads and making it back from parking=45 minutes! DH said he didn’t have to lift a finger; a much easier day than he expected!</p>

<p>D2 is a junior. She’s in the middle of making her college list & was much more observant of things this year (we are being very low key about UA; trying to set things up so she’ll realize how amazing things are on her own.) I made sure to point out the 2nd floor common area to her as we went to recycle some cardboard. She is my neat freak & she turned to me and said “everything smells so clean here!”</p>