<p>Hey all,</p>
<p>Gim Seng, one of the current Malaysian Freeman Scholars, would like to chat with you all about Wesleyan. He may be contacted at clement<em>ng</em><a href="mailto:gim_seng@hotmail.com">gim_seng@hotmail.com</a>.</p>
<p>Hey all,</p>
<p>Gim Seng, one of the current Malaysian Freeman Scholars, would like to chat with you all about Wesleyan. He may be contacted at clement<em>ng</em><a href="mailto:gim_seng@hotmail.com">gim_seng@hotmail.com</a>.</p>
<p>eric, are the girls in malaysia that bad? hahaha... just joking... i'm sure the two of u are so good that they decided to break their one-guy-one-girl 'policy' :)
well, actually, many of the current indonesian freeman scholars have contacted me and asked me if i have any questions about wesleyan. in fact, i did ask a few questions to one of them, and the reply was shockingly long and ultra comprehensive... i guess i've made the right decision of choosing wes. not only the university is great, the seniors are so very nice... :D</p>
<p>Well, actually the '1st runner up', so to speak, is a Malay girl by the name of Neena. Too bad they couldn't give to 3. Hehe.</p>
<p>really? that means you even know who the alternates are? i didn't even know who the other indonesian scholar is until recently, when my senior at wesleyan actually e-mailed me to tell me who the other scholar is...</p>
<p>oh, btw, do you know wui ming? he was my good friend when we were in high school (RJ, Singapore). he's one of the alternates too, although he told me that he didn't know his 'ranking'</p>
<p>i guess the alternates get notified once we sent our confirmation? i bet it sucks to be the 1st runner up, just THAT close to getting it</p>
<p>Actually, I was not informed about the other applicant's results either. The parent of one of the current Malaysian scholars just dropped it on me when she called to congratulate me. How she found out I have no idea. But yeah, it sure would suck.</p>
<p>well, wes sent DHL to the winners, and emailed the rest, telling if they were alternates or not. We have 3 here in VN. (I thought they limited the number to 2, but I was clearly wrong)</p>
<p>has anyone got that package from wes yet? i cant wait to know whats in it!</p>
<p>I haven't got it yet. I'm anxious too with all the stuff about visa <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>i think they'll only send the <em>exciting</em> package after everyone has sent back the confirmation form, so they'll only need to go to DHL's office once... btw, ngohuongly, they did say there are 3 alternates in every country, so i don't think they limit the number to 2...</p>
<p>@e1dj86: they did say that? oh, I didn't know. I also think that they will wait after May 1st, but I want to process the visa application as soon as possible, in case I am rejected the first time.</p>
<p>yeah i wanna go get the visa asap too ngohuongly88... do we need our i20 before we can do anything at all?</p>
<p>:) Hi to everyone again! Get on msn :) </p>
<p>jurily & nghuongly88: don't worry about the visa. I'm sure wes will take care of that :)</p>
<p>crygoose: i wish that wes can take care of that, but visa is so scarry here that I can't be sure of anything :(
jurily: the email (after we sent the response) said that we should contact the embassy even before we have I 20 but in VN, it seems that you have to have I 20 in your hand before you can do anything.</p>
<p>u can call me stupid, but what's I20? is that like a confirmation letter saying that the scholarship will cover everything for us? well, it think visa application is just equally scary everywhere, but probably the scariest in indonesia.. u know, all the terrorism n stuff make the embassies really cautious about indonesians going overseas.. they think that indonesians can only throw bombs and explode buildings :(</p>
<p>When you get right down to it I have no idea what an I-20 is either. Just vaguely know that it is a document saying the university has accepted us as it's student and that that is why we should be issued a visa.</p>
<p>For myself, I am not too worried. Visa application in Malaysia isn't as bad as Indonesia, and the American Ambassador to Malaysia showed up at the Reception thing....</p>
<p>Good luck with your visa!</p>
<p>dont worry irwan... just arrange for an aptment as soon as you get the papers ready n start early. of cuz we know you're no terrorist :)</p>
<p>eric_sia: the ambassador showed up? it surely is an impossible here. well, Vietnam doesn't have territorists but our relationship with the US is not very smooth :(</p>
<p>thanks jurily. btw, i'm iwan (no 'r'). well, it's not a big deal, but it's better to tell u now than later in connecticut :)
as for our cocktail, there was someone from the US embassy, but i don't think it was the ambassador. i just hope that's a good news for my visa application... ngohuongly, don't worry though. i'm sure with the long history of wesleyan scholarship in vietnam, the US embassy will easily grant your visa application. :D</p>