West Coast junior looking for some advice

Public HS on W. coast - fairly competitive but not extraordinary
Income - UMC

Intended Major(s): Science, Technology, Systems (or equivalent)

SAT: 770 English, 800 Math non super score

UW GPA: 4.0 (no W)

Coursework: accelerated IB diploma, 10 APs by junior year, could add more for this year

EC (no particular order)

  • leads a large, national-scale nonprofit in healthcare accessibility & information sharing, 30+ members, several countries
  • internship at a large flagship hospital, 4 hours per week
  • committee head in municipal youth advisory commission
  • general counsel for a local juvenile court, currently expanding jurisdiction to include misdemeanors
  • started nearly half a dozen startups, of which I closed 2, merged 2, sold 2, and am currently running one (post-merger); projected $1M gross rev. for Q3 2022 - Q2 2023
  • working on two research papers with professors from two separate state flagship universities & a preprint is in the works with a doctoral student at MIT

(don’t have a lot :/)

  • Some placements at national debate tournaments
  • Scholastics A/W Critical Essay Hon. Mention
  • International qualifier for HOSA
  • Passing the state bar exam (without record)


  • RSI?
  • MIT / Yale

General feedback welcome

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If your start up is set to clear $1 million this year, why exactly are you going to college?

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To gain technical expertise and competency not taught in high school that may be useful later in life? Being a successful entrepreneur in today’s times/markets/conditions doesn’t mean having a broader foundation of knowledge won’t be handy when times/conditions are no longer favorable.

Not every success story of today manages to go from the 1st Million to the next perpetually. Plenty of cases where a “reset” happens down the road, when one wishes one had more than HS courses to fall back upon.

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Wait a minute. How can you take or pass the California Bar Exam without having taken two years of college or have the relevant CLEP credit?


OP wasnt eligible to take a state bar exam. So either he was fraudulent then or now.

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It was more of a rhetorical question that I think the OP should answer for himself, if he hasn’t already. It is not clear from what he posted - which is obviously just a short summary - that he has. He clearly has entrepreneurial skills, he has research skills, he has experience in a variety of fields that many undergrad (not to mention high school students) would be envious of, he has worked in fairly diverse environments, he is clearly skilled at networking (or he wouldn’t have been able to access these opportunities), he is also very clearly capable of high level study independently (he says he passed the bar exam, obviously if he’s in high school, that is without the benefit of a law degree and the course of study included in that). So what is missing here that college - whether MIT or Yale or somewhere else - would provide? When AOs read his app, they may be impressed by his various achievement, but what will they feel their school is going to offer HIM? I think that is a legitimate question and, given some of the diversity of activities, something the OP should be able to answer in a coherent way.

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In CA you can take the bar without law school. Not sure if there are other requirements, however. And he states that he is working as general counsel, which I believe requires good standing with the bar. It is confusing - which is part of my point. If we take this at face value and assume honesty, he will need to explain to colleges exactly what it is he is still looking for and in need of, that a college can provide.

Not according to the State Bar of California. Nor is he working as a " general counsel" without a law license. Exaggerating your accomplishments is one thing, but this is just silly.


You may be right - I don’t know much about it. So perhaps he will come back and explain. Or he’s just having some fun on CC.


Could you please clarify the above questions about your law experience…and the other things being questioned.

I find your list not believable. My opinion.


You can take the bar in CA without having gone to law school, but you still have to have had at least two years of college or the relevant CLEP credits. Hence, my question. I find the entry unbelievable (and for bar purposes, unethical). Practicing law without a license is illegal in all states.


Also, too many inconsistencies in my view.

OP “leads a large, national-scale nonprofit” but also has an “internship at a large flagship hospital”. Why?

OP has passed the bar exam and is general counsel, but is applying to STEM majors? :thinking:

And I can’t even figure out how he manages his time, being a full time student, running a startup with $1mm revenue and publishing research papers.

someone is pulling our leg, I think…


Temporarily closing thread.

I have message the OP to clarify the ECs and will reopen if appropriate.