<p>So I'm transferring to Berkeley this Fall and I'm quite excited about it. While attending Cal Day, I notice an ad for housing at a place called Westminster. Enticed by the notion of having a room to myself at a location close to campus, I check it out. It's a large, nice looking house that comes off as a cross between a dorm and, yes, a house. The staff is friendly and I am told about their close community and weekly group dinners. Luckily enough, there is one available single person room, so I snatch it up and put down my deposit... </p>
<p>Hoping that I made the right decision, I go home and find the Westminster Housing website at <a href="http://www.westminsterhouse.net%5B/url%5D">www.westminsterhouse.net</a>... All looks well, right? Close-knit student community, free high speed internet, across the street from campus, what more could I want? I relax a bit and go about my life. A few weeks later, I do a bit more research and stumble on this site... <a href="http://www.westminsterhouse.org/%5B/url%5D">http://www.westminsterhouse.org/</a> </p>
<p>Wait a minute! What's this about sharing "the "Good News" of God's love in Jesus Christ" and inviting "all students and faculty to respond to the call of the Holy Spirit"? Have I been duped into putting down a $300 deposit to live in Christian housing? As a devout Athiest, I find it very troubling that none of the housing staff had managed to mention a single word about the place being a Christian Community. I came to Berkeley to further my studies and enrich my mind, not to obtain "personal spiritual growth through Bible study, worship and fellowship." Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the Christian religion, or any other religion for that matter. I do have a beef with this housing community for failing to address this pertinent information anywhere in the entire 30+ page housing contract, or anywhere in their main housing website for that matter. </p>
<p>Go ahead and check out the links and let me know if I'm missing anything or if I'm way off base in my complaints...I just found out about this today, so I'm a bit peeved at the moment and needed to rant and also warn fellow Cal students to stay away from Westminster Housing unless you're a devout Christian interested in living in a "Christian Fellowship." I really hope that it's not too late to get my deposit back...</p>