<p>Since I don’t want to be just *****ing around, here are some examples on what you could do.</p>
<p>“A worthwile way”. That is always defined by you. The most worthwile activities are those that you start or limit by yourself. For example: This autumn holidays i packed two close friends (both soooo far from politics) and we traveled half way around the world to and through southern China for a month. We ate and had fun with migrant workers (really the poorest guys) in Shenzhen and were clubbing in HK (btw all for below 2k$). That doesn’t go on your CV, but it will shape your view of this very planet. And you dont need to be rich for this (i work as a supermarket cashier to finance all i do), you need to be passionate.</p>
<p>But i guess you are looking for stuff that is both cool and good in applications. And here it is: Be passionate about what you already do. Take responsibility and be a driving, not a driven, force.
I did not only participate in XY MUNs, but I became a leader. I founded the first national model ICJ, developed the whole set of rules and so on and chaired it. I did not only believe in a united Europe, but i joined the Yound Euriopean Federalists and became an activist. I headed my own MUN (of which there arent that many) and was an organizer for college-level peace conferences. I was invited to Nobel peace laureate summits, the UN and a whole numer of high level meetings, where i was even able to influence real global legislation.</p>
<p>The point is: If you love your work, you won’t be working for a single day of your life.
All you invest will be returned to you. When I first went into youth policy, I never imagined it to take off as it did. The moment you devote yourself to something, new doors will open up. Door by door, step by step. </p>
<p>So yes: Apply for Harvard WorldMUN (Taipeh is awesome, will be there), be open, be genuine and be passionate. Things will work out.
Nobody is going to show your your paved way. You’ll have to pave it yourself. If it’s already there, you’re on the wrong track baby. </p>
<p>Colleges aren’t looking for those who have great feelings, but for those who make these feelings a reality. So go on, I’ll meet you along the way. </p>
<p>(PS: Just noted this was over the top, but I’m drunk as **** so dont be judgemental :D)</p>