<p>What is your view on the Japanese Fishermen killing the whales around New Zealand and Australia? They hunt for whales around the south pacific ocean. They ignore the requests of many nations around the Australian continent and politely told the Australian MP to **** off the other day when he asked them to stop. Why go around the entire world to kill whales that are near anti-whale countries? It's a controversial topic, my opinion is pretty clear, so discuss.</p>
<p>i dont really have an answer to your question cos I don't really follow this whole whale dilemma, but ..
whale killing reminded me of Moby Dick, which was the most hated book at our school this year. heh</p>
<p>If they are in waters where it is legal and it is legal in their country what can you do? Maybe some country will invade them over whale hunting and put a stop to it?</p>
<p>it wasn't a question, i was just seeing what people's opinions were. honestly japan using the coverstory of it being scientific research, ugh that just bothers me.</p>
<p>I just have one question about whales: who cares? All I ever hear are people whining and moaning about saving the whales. Why save the whales? Screw them, what have they done for me? How would you like to go to the beach one day and read a sign that says "Sorry, all out of water." Not likely? Think again. Here's a little fact about whales that not many people know:</p>
<p>Whales are drinking all our water and eating our sailors.</p>
<p>When they're not busy ravaging the high seas, they're getting beached and rotting to death out of spite so nobody can enjoy the beach.</p>
<p>Then there are the people who say whales are smart. If whales are so smart, then how come they still haven't learned to breathe under water like everything else that lives in the ocean? They've only had 40-million years to do it and they still don't have their act together. And now researchers are saying that they've found gay whales. Duh.</p>
<p>Is it too much to ask for a whale to save me for a change? When is the last time you procrastinated by posting on these forums instead of studying and a whale saved your ass during the test? Never. In fact, when is the last time a whale did anything other than some stupid trick like jumping out of the water? Ooh, the whale can jump out of the water. Big deal. Try building an oil rig, then I'll be impressed.</p>
Whaling is illegal by law in Oklahoma.
Why? Are the whales at a local aquarium being threatened?</p>
<p>I have no problem with whaling. Unless they can prove that whaling severely harms the ocean's ecosystem and our well-being, the Japanese should hunt all the whales they want.</p>
<p>oceans ecosystem being the circle of life? if humans kill whales the ecosystem would be altered and ultimately destroyed. im dumbfounded by the fact you guys don't care. maybe you're all pro japan</p>
<p>imrightuarewrong, I agree.
Wow indeed, it took so long for someone to say it.
Besides, all illegalization does is send up the price of whale soup. The whales aren't complaining, either, and I've never had whale soup!!</p>
<p>Seriously, the earth has changed. It is high time we make our own ecosystem and purge the earth of redundant beasts and people.</p>