<p>I'm a Senior in a large public high school in New York and I'm applying to 10 colleges in the northeast and was wondering what my chances looked like. My top choice is definitely Northeastern, however I know it's definitely going to be a reach.</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 86.08
Unweighted: N/A
Class Rank: 297/785
Decile: 37</p>
<p>I have taken 4 honors classes and 1 AP class (AP English Lang)
This year I am taking 4 AP classes.
AP Microeconomics
AP English Lit
AP Italian
AP US Govt</p>
<p>Varsity Tennis: 10th,11th, Co-Captain 12th
Varsity Bowling: 9th,10th
Senior High Youth Fellowship: 9th-12th
Italian Club: 11th,12th
200+ Hours of Community Service
Appalachia Service Project: One week spent in West Virginia aiding low-income residents with housing problems.
Greek Church Volunteer: Greek Festival and other non-profit events.</p>
<p>Schools applied to:
Quinnipiac University
Fairfield University
Suffolk University
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Buffalo
SUNY Fredonia
University of New Hampshire
<p>Lol GSW is just spamming people’s posts so he can put his link there so I wouldn’t pay him much attention.</p>
<p>Quinnipiac University
Fairfield University- in
Suffolk University- in
UConn- in
SUNY Binghamton- low reach
SUNY Buffalo- in
SUNY Fredonia- in
Northeastern - high match/ in
University of New Hampshire - in
Ithaca- in</p>
<p>I think Northeastern your SAT’s are in the lower portion of their middle 50% but your EC’s and community service (esp. the 200+ hours) will look really good. I imagine you would get into all except maybe Binghamton since they’re getting so selective</p>
<p>I think your SATs and GPA match up pretty well, so that’s usually a good thing.</p>
<p>Quinnipiac University - Possible/Likely
Fairfield University- Very Likely
Suffolk University- Likely
UConn- Likely
SUNY Binghamton- Possible/Reach
SUNY Buffalo- Possible
SUNY Fredonia- Possible
Northeastern - Possible
University of New Hampshire - Possible
Ithaca- Possible</p>
<p>I’d say you really do have a shot at northeastern, the community service and you aren’t really taking easy courses this year are both gonna help.</p>