What ACT Score to Expect

<p>I took the ACT as a freshman and got a 26.
As a sophomore this year, I took it in April and got a 29.</p>

<p>What score do you think I should expect as a junior and senior? My expectation is a 33, give or take a point.</p>

<p>My composite increased by 1 point each time... o__0 But then again, my sophomore year was a 34.</p>

<p>It's not quite that linear. It depends on how well you prepare for it. Honestly, you shouldn't plan on just taking it as a junior and a senior when you've already taken it twice. Do some good prep -- official ACT materials and Cracking the ACT are all you'd need -- and nail it as a junior.</p>

<p>It also depends on if you've already taken all of the math classes you need. If you haven't learned Trigonometry yet, and you take it your junior year, your math score should increase.</p>

<p>I'd say a 31. Since you have high growth, but there is a bell curve involved.</p>