<p>Is Dartmouth excellent for business or computer related majors?
If not, what are Dartmouth's strengths? I'd really like to know more about Dartmouth.</p>
<p>Thanks, people =)</p>
<p>Is Dartmouth excellent for business or computer related majors?
If not, what are Dartmouth's strengths? I'd really like to know more about Dartmouth.</p>
<p>Thanks, people =)</p>
<p>i would look at a guide like Ruggs or Fiske. but you can assume that they’re strong in pretty much everything. or just take a look at their website and browse through their departments…there’s actually some pretty cool stuff</p>
<p>Anthro, Art, Bio, Chem, Classics, Comp Sci, Drama, Econ, Engine, English, For Lang, Geog, Geol, Hist, Math, Physics, Poli Sci, Pre-Law, Pre-Med/Pre-Dental, Psych, Reli Stu, Soc.</p>
<p>Hope that helps!</p>
<p>Dartmouth College’s strengths are in the quality of the student body & the ability to focus on just three courses per term.</p>
<p>definitely we are not blowing away any peer institutions in terms of academics. There are fields in which we are stronger than others, but none where we can really claim top dog position. But then again, undergraduate education isn’t, save for few exceptions, about substantive learning. There are no super secrets to economics that you will learn at Chicago that you will not learn at, say, Boston College, especially given that professors at both likely went to the same colleges and grad schools. That is, if you’re lucky to have these profs in your midlevel classes.</p>
<p>One thing that a ‘liberal arts’ curriculum, as opposed to Brown’s lack of one or curriculums that resemble that of a vocational high school at most schools, is that it makes you, uh, smarter. You know what you’re talking about. And you know how to talk about these things. You learn how to read, think, write, and speak. Classes are there to orient you in a specific direction, not to substantively teach you stuff. From there on, you can choose to engage in deeper exploration if you choose. Do you really want to be parrotting the things your prof says, no matter how incredibly enlightening they are?</p>
<p>I donno. I liked not learning stuff. Leave that to graduate school. You’ll not be employing your vast knowledge of WWII battles in your post-college consulting job, most likely. And if you end up going into fields involved with history, you’ll either know stuff from your own explorations through seminars and research projects, in both of which your prof will be very involved (unlike at schools where profs aren’t too eager to help UGs), or be going on to graduate schools where your faculty recommendations and critical thinking abilities from a school like D (or other LAC) will help you, both in the admissions process and in the process of getting the actual degree.</p>
<p>I don’t agree with the statement in the above post that you won’t learn anything different in a University of Chicago economics class than in a Boston College economics class. The best schools, whether colleges, universities or prep schools, teach students how to analyze problems, spot issues & offer suitable, and sometimes creative, solutions. The best law schools teach students how to approach problems, to spot issues & research relevant material in order to fashion appropriate responses. How one approaches challenges, issues or problems is just as important as how one answers the same. Sounds simple, but it is the key to a great education that essentially teaches one to teach oneself.</p>
<p>that was the crux of the argument supporting why a Dartmouth (or other comparable ‘top school’) education, especially ones with a broad liberal arts curriculum, is worth the effort and the money.
the chicago/BC comparison was referring to the substantive aspect of “learning”. Ok, so I don’t know anything about econ, so let’s move it back to arithmetic.
It’s not like an arithmetic course at Harvard will have some super secret knowledge that only their faculty know and pass on only to their students, like “2+2 = 5!!! not 4!!!” while BC teaches you the boring mundane “2+2=4” and Southwest Appalachian State University teaches “2+2 equals derf?”
Especially when profs from all three schools went to arguable peer caliber graduate schools.</p>
<p>Your example concerns the teaching of basic literacy in any subject, whether arithmatic, economics, law or engineering, versus being educated in the higher sense of always questioning & continuously searching for more knowledge. Any school should be able to instill a level of basic competence in students, but a school with highly intelligent, highly motivated students can constantly challenge the students to demand much more of themselves–even with the exact same textbooks & similarly educated professors.
km7hill: I agree with you, but I also think that different schools have different missions. There is a reason that elite, highly selective law schools like Chicago & Yale develop an exceptionally high number & percentage of appellate jurists even though using the same law books as 195 other law schools. But, to be successful in their mission, Yale & Chicago need to attract a calibre of law student able to handle the challenge.</p>
<p>and that higher understanding, i believe, is more a function of the quality of student body than the quality of the faculty, at least at the undergraduate level, provided that one school is not making egregiously bad hiring decisions. which is why choosing a college for its “academic strength in a specific field” is generally poor advice unless two schools are overall peers and personal fit is a wash.
Chicago and Yale Law Schools also attract different student bodies. This “mission” stuff is true for many schools at all levels and fields: your example just seems more pronounced because (1) you (and i) happen to be in the field of law and (2) law school is generally smaller than undergraduate schools, making ‘character’ more evident.</p>
<p>as for the OP–
Dartmouth does not have a business major. In fact, most top schools do not have a business major. A Dartmouth degree, however, opens all the doors that a business degree will. Especially if you want to go into finance and do Econ.
But, really, you’re 17. Is your life dream really to go into business and just make lots of money?</p>
<p>I think that we are in total agreement.</p>
<p>“Is your life dream really to go into business and just make lots of money?”</p>
<p>Honestly, OP, think about what km7hill has just said here. It’s sad to see so many college kids aspiring to go into finance and earn big bucks when they could be doing bigger, more important things that will actually leave a better legacy after they die. Or maybe it’s just me. But it’s still worth a thought…</p>
<p>Thanks people! I’ll keep what you guys said in mind =)</p>