What are my chances? am i aiming too high?

<p>Please tell me what you think...im kinda worried about my average ec's, mediocre sats, and lack of many AP's or leadership</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Grade: 11th
Ethnicity: Black/Hispanic (Ill probably use Hispanic when applying)
State: Virginia</p>

<p>GPA (uw) 3.64 as of now. will probably be a 3.57 by graduation
GPA (w) 3.93 as of now. will probably be a 4.03 by graduation
Rank 160?/540 (very competitive school)
SAT I- took for 1st time today, but id say about a 1200/1600 or 1850/2400</p>


<p>Spanish Club [9,10,12]
Student Organization for Helping Others [9,10,11,12]
Film Club [10,11,12]
Astronomy Club [11]
Ecology Club [11]
Beta Honor Society[11,12]
Marching Band [9,10,11,12]
Symphonic Band [9,10,11,12]
Eagles Combination Choir [11]
Men’s Chior [11]
Church Youth Chior [9,10]
NHS [12?]- havent applied yet
Peer Helpers [12?]- not sure if im in yet</p>

<p>Part time job [3 years, 20 hours/week during school year. 30 hours/week in summer]</p>

<p>Summer Activities:
-I was as a participant from my school for a statewide science/math camp in the summer of my 10th grade year by my guidance counselor
-Vacation Bible School Crew Leader summer of 9th</p>

<p>Community Service:
I get my community Service through SOHO. I tutor elementary schoolers and help teachers with classroom tasks. I'll have about 60 hours by graduation</p>

<p>Ill have 10 honors classes by graduation and only 2 ap's which worries me.
My courses are semi-rigorous (not the most difficult but still challenging) and with the exception of my sophmore year my grades have gone up/ stayed around a 4.0)</p>


<p>Here are the schools i want to apply to</p>

<p>Cornell- I know I really don't have a chance, but my aunt wanted me to apply since she went there
-UVA- really hoping in-state/minority status will help here
-Virginia Tech
-Penn State
-christopher newport- if all else fails</p>

<p>-I plan on majoring in environmental science/atmospheric science/meteorology if it makes any difference
-I'm not planning on applying to any honors programs in college</p>

<p>Being an URM definitely plays out in your favor, however, your projected SAT scores, rank, and GPA are on the low side for some of your schools. Nevertheless, I'd say you've got a good chance at most of them.</p>

<p>Ratings on a scale of: high reach, reach, semi-reach, good fit, likely, safety.</p>

<p>Cornell University... REACH.
University of Virgina... SEMI-REACH.
Boston University... GOOD FIT.
Virginia Tech... LIKELY.
University of Rochester... GOOD FIT.
Penn State-University Park... LIKELY.
Rutgers University... LIKELY.
University of Delaware... LIKELY.
University of Connecticut... LIKELY
Christopher Newport University... SAFETY.</p>

<p>thanks for ur opinion. thats pretty much the same thing i thought. anybody else?</p>

<p>and these are my classes if anybody wants to know</p>

<p>9TH GRADE- 3.71 (uw), 4.05 (w)</p>

<p>English 9- 96/A
World History and Geography II Honors-91/B+
Earth Science Honors-95/A
Spanish II-91/B+
Health and PE 9-96/A
Adv Band-94/A</p>

<p>10TH GRADE- 3.43(uw) 3.77 (w)</p>

<p>English 10-90/B
20th Century VA and US History Honors-91/B
Algebra II-88/B
Biology I Honors-93/A
Spanish III-88/B
Health and PE 10-95/A
Adv. Band-94/A</p>

<p>11TH GRADE- 3.57(uw), 4.08 (w)</p>

<p>English 11-94/A
US and VA History Honors-93/A
Adv. Algebra/Trigonometry-87/B
Chemistry Honors-90/B
Spanish IV Honors-86/B
Eagles Combination Chorus-94/A
Adv. Band-96/A</p>

<p>12TH GRADE- 3.50(uw)<em>, 4.35(w)</em></p>

<p>English 12 Honors- 90/B*
Calculus I- 89/B*
AP Government- 91/B*
Physics Honors- 88/B*
AP Environmental Science- 93/A*
Wind Ensamble Band- 97/A*
Marching Band (seperate class next yr)- 97/A*
Psycology- 95/A*</p>


<p>projected cumulative GPA- 3.55(uw), 4.06(w)</p>

<p>Was there a reason your sopomore grade slipped? If so, definitely explain it. If it's a legit reason (death, illness, etc.), then it makes a huge difference in your chances.</p>

<p>I'm not too familiar in your out-of-state choices, but I would say it's almost 100% that you'll get into CNU, about 90% that you'll get into Tech (good environmental science program), and 50/50 that you'll get into UVA. Just remember that this is my very unqualified opinion and that I may be completely wrong, but I think you have a okay shot. A better shot if you can explain your grades. Now just make sure your recs and essays are excellent!</p>

<p>haha i wish i had a reason for the 2nd year slip but i guess i just got lazy. but im definitely not gonna put that in my essay</p>

<p>University of Delaware is pretty tough out of state. But very homogenious, so you're more likely to get in with that URM status.</p>

<p>Cornell University... reach
University of Virgina...low reach
Boston University...high match
Virginia Tech...high match
University of Rochester... high match/low reach
Penn State-University Park... match
Rutgers University...match
University of Delaware...higher than a match, but not a reach.
University of Connecticut... match
Christopher Newport University... haha safety</p>

<p>what exactly is a high match</p>

<p>bump (10 char)</p>

<p>Come to BU :)</p>

<p>wow i feel kinda dumb looking at everyone elses stats</p>

<p>bummmmp. anyone else?</p>

<p>High match is somewhat harder to get into than a match.
Black, college-qualified men are in short supply: are you sure you're better off saying you're Hispanic?</p>

<p>well most of the schools im looking at are about 7% african american, 5%hispanic. do you think it would be a better idea to put black</p>