SAT: V590 M 790 W560 Retook on dec. Expect V 650 M 800
<p>SAT2: Math2 800 Chem 800 Phy 770</p>
<p>APs: self studied Chem 5, Bio 4, Calc BC 4 sub AB 5, Comsci A 3. Only took calc AB class. the rest are all self studied.</p>
<p>College Classes at local college:
CHE 301 Physical Chemistry 1
CHE 301 Physical Chemistry 1 Lab
CHE 302 Physical Chemistry 2
CHE 302 Physical Chemistry 2 Lab
MAT 213 Calculus 3
MAT 217 Appl Discrete Math
MAT 218 Appl Linear Algebra
MAT 406 Differential Equation
MAT 409 Number Theory
MUS 105 Piano
PHY 201 Intro Physics I
PHY 202 Intro Physics II
PHY 211 Gen Phys I Calc Lec
PHY 212 Gen Phys II Calc Lec</p>
School doesn't offer math and science ECs except for math league.
Captin of math league. Champion at regional competition
Tutor math at college
Science Olympiad
National Latin exam: silver medal
varsity basketball,cross country,swimming.
martial art </p>
<p>Family contribution each year $10000-$15000
So what are my chances at caltech,stanford,mit,wpi,conn,usc,bucknell,udelware?</p>