What are my chances at Colombia University?

<p>My dream school is Colombia U. in New York. </p>

High School Class: 2014
High School: Public High SChool
High School Type: >1 admitted to Ivy each year. Above average but not THAT good.
Will apply for financial aid: Yes, but I don't know if I qualify</p>

Rigor: (Taken so far) AP Gov, AP Euro, AP Human Geo, AP US History, AP Psych, (senior year will take) AP Chem, AP Spanish, AP Physics C, AP Calc AB, AP Lang - PLUS all the normal classes like math, english, science, etc., that each year requires
Electives: Astronomy, Geology, Practical Law, Tech Ed, creative writing, quite a variety of other things (art, etc.)
Class Rank: between 1-5 of 371, it changes
Weighted GPA: 4.525
SAT: Taking in October
ACT: Composite = 34
English: 35
Math: 33
Reading: 34
Science: 32
Have taken the US History and Math I subject tests, I get the results back on the 20th, and I'm sure I did fine on them
Essay Topic: Something clever.
Recommendations: AP US History, AP Psych, Chemistry teachers (they love me more than they should... )
Supplemental: Guidance counselor</p>

Interview: I hope so!
Extracurricular: Freshman Year
Swim team, Anime Club (bleah, bad idea) video game club, creative writing, GSA, teen advisory board at my local library (TAB)</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
Swim team, GSA, forensics, video game club, TAB</p>

<p>Junior Year
Swim team, GSA, NHS</p>

<p>Senior Year
Swim team, president of GSA, NHS, tutoring</p>

<p>Talent/Ability: AP Scholar with Distinction, writer, the ability to plan two pie-related events for my NHS</p>

<p>If you need to know anything else let me know!</p>

<p>No chance bc u spelled it wrong…</p>

<p>What is your unweighted GPA?</p>

<p>Dammit. Columbia. I’m a horrible person I can’t believe I spelled it wrong :(</p>

<p>Ahem. 4.0 unweighted.</p>

<p>Also, I got 5’s on AP Gov and AP Euro, and I am expecting the other results this July.</p>

<p>Seriously no chance because of the spelling though.</p>

<p>Your GPA and ACT are fine, but I think that your ECs will hold you back. They seem to have no major theme or leadership positions. It may be to your disadvantage to show that you progressively narrow down your ECs without increasing your involvement.</p>

<p>What do you plan to do as your major?</p>

<p>Columbia: High Reach (Don’t take my designation too seriously)</p>

<p>Yeah, I keep doing that with spelling, because I am so used to spelling the country instead. It won’t happen again.</p>

<p>I am usually a pretty good writer so I don’t think essays will be an issue for applying to Columbia.</p>

<p>As to the leadership positions, I am starting a job at Boston Store soon and I will talk about my organization of a lot of fundraisers for my NHS.</p>

<p>Major: Astrophysics</p>

<p>Like was said, extracurriculars are your weakest point. GPA is excellent, ACT is Columbia caliber, and you have taken good courses. Your extracurriculars are scattered, and none of them really demonstrate a passion of any kind. That will probably hurt you. </p>

<p>With that being said, Columbia is a reach. If it truly is your dream school, look into whether or not they have an EA or ED plan. If so, that will boost your chances.</p>