what are my chances at these ivies?

<p>What are my chances at Duke, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, UCSD medical scholars program, brown plme, rochester combined, and brown regular decision? (u dont have to answer all of them )</p>

<p>Sat- 1550
Math IIC- 800
US History- 750
Writing- 790</p>

<p>GPA-4.0 (unweighted)- easily top 1% in class of 350</p>

<p>10 APs- including senior year
7 Honors- including senior year</p>

<p>AP Tests
US History- 5
World History- 5
Calc BC- 5
English Language - 5
Physics B- 5 (school did not offer physics C for some reason...)</p>

Top 32 debaters in state of california (sophomore)
State championships in two events in speech and debate (sophomore and junior)
Top 10 or 12 debaters in state of california (junior)
200 years of work at Regional Medical Center
8 week stanford internship at center for immunology
president and secretary of INdian Student Coalition
Editor for award winning cardinal newspaper
School Percussion Ensemble
Played Piano for 10 years
Cross Country- 2 years</p>

<p>National Merit Semi Finalist (probably finalist)</p>

<p>hmm...ur debate will take u places no doubt. u stand a fairly good chance, and it is pretty special to be in the top 32 in the soph year. It kind of jumps of the page, maybe upto the nose of the adcom, and not his eyes because it isn't SUPER special that makes him/her go "WOW. thats AMAZING". probably 40% of 50% - just a random speculation. i applied to 4 ivies and im freakin out abt whether im gonna get in or not, so dont take me all that seriously cause im not an adcom...</p>

<p>hehe no worries dude
i take ur response whole heartedly
thanks a lot :)</p>

<p>what about duke especially?</p>

<p>i dont know. u seem to stand a good chance tho. High SAT, good stats, above average applicant no doubt. u might want to check out the indian thread under International Students. its smaller, its got a little wiser ppl than in this "my chances" section. drop by sometime...the ppl there are pretty damn friendly :)</p>

<p>Duke..hmm..i say more like reach/match because you never know about Duke. Well i take dat back..i say more like 80 percent chance for DUke. You obviously a well rounded person and your grades are like 0_o!!!!!!!
Duke-Slight reach/match
Harvard-u never know.
Berkeley-you are in for sure</p>

<p>reach/match for Pton and Stanford...come on...they are reaches for EVERYBODY. even those w. 1600, and a 36.</p>

<p>cool thx for the comments :D</p>