<p>White Male
Income : >100k
Dad went to college but mom didnt
At a very competitive high school</p>
<p>UC GPA : 4.00
Academic GPA : 4.5</p>
<p>Ranked 25 out of 729 kids at my high school</p>
<p>Top 20 as a freshman, after that i show a constant trend</p>
<p>Classes this year as a senior:
AP Econ/Hon civics
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP Literature
Architechture (Visual Art Requirement)</p>
<p>AP Scores so far:
AP Euro: 5
AP US: 4
AP Calc: 5
AP Physics: 5</p>
Reasoning: 2200 Math-800 Reading-660 Writing-740-legit; no classes or anything
Math II-750 Physics-710
(Just retook those and also Chem and i know i did better)</p>
Basketball all four years (varsity this year)
Two years of golf
CSF (9-12)
NHS (11-12)
Spanish Club (10-11)
21st century technology club (12)
Worked as a coach in the summer for a couple of weeks at a basketball camp for kids (10-12)
Passed out real estate flyers every week (9-12)</p>
<p>What are my chances at:</p>
<p>UCLA (My dream school since the 2nd grade)
<p>Thanks to anyone who responds</p>