What are my chances at top schools (UPenn, UVA, etc.)? Please Help!

<p>The hardest schools I would want to go to would probably be
Boston College
Washington-St. Louis

<p>What are my chances?
GPA: All A's in every class so far, just over 100 weighted, probably 96 unweighted, 3 APs so far (I'm a junior, taking 3 or 4 next year), all non-AP classes are honors</p>

<p>SAT: C.R.: 700, Math: 740, Writing: 730... will take again in june or october if necessary, depending on ACT</p>

<p>ACT: Didn't take yet, got 34 on a practice</p>

<p>SAT II: 680 World History, going to take 2 or 3 more</p>

<p>AP Tests: 4 on World History, haven't taken others yet</p>

<p>I play 2 varsity sports, soccer and tennis, tennis captain, all county, National Honor Society, History Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society.</p>

<p>Can I get into these schools?</p>

<p>Now for the top of the line schools, I'm sorry but probably not. Ur SAT scores are decent but not anything that will help your application. Ur ACT might if you get a 34,35 or 36. Same with your SAT II you need them all about 700 at least from what I hear. </p>

<p>My school doesn't have the same grade system as urs, but it seems like ur doing fine academically. U need a good class rank, top 10 at least.</p>

<p>Ur EC's are okay. your on varsity, which is very good. Unless you plan to play sports for these colleges, your sport aspect of your EC will be impressive, positive, but it won't seperate you too much from the crowd.</p>

<p>Overall I think your strong, but not strong enough to beat out the top students in the nation.</p>

<p>I'm guessing you have a good chance w/ the bottom 6 schools on ur list. Everything I said above was comparing you with those who try for Princeton, Harvard, Cal Tech, etc.</p>

<p>Please help!</p>

<p>Where do you live? If you're from VA, I think you have a good chance at UVa. I got in, and I think I had slightly lower stats than you from what you have posted above.</p>

<p>I'm from New York</p>

<p>Please help me out!</p>

<p>I think you've got a decent chance at the University of Virginia. Plus, there seem to be a lot of New Yorkers at U.Va.</p>

<p>Try to explore areas outside of sports in your EC's, such as debate, student govt., science research, volunteer work etc. Wherever possible try to acquire a leadership position and make sure you dedicate time and energy to the EC. It would help for the first three schools on your list if this EC is distinctive or somewhat unusual. Also, see if you can be recruited for any of the sports.
Make sure you get great recs and write great essays.</p>

<p>As things stand now, I would expect:
Princeton: Rejected
UPenn: Rejected
Duke: Rejected
Virginia: Accepted
Michigan: Waitlisted
Boston College: Accepted
Chicago: Rejected
Washington-St. Louis: Waitlisted
Emory: Accepted</p>

<p>Michigan would be an accept.</p>

<p>Agree about Michigan. Get it in as early as possible.</p>

<p>Actually, since you're not from Va, I wouldn't say that you'd get accepted to UVa so easily (since its a state school. approx 66% accepted are in state ). Some say, for out-of state-students, getting into UVa is like trying to get into an Ivy.</p>

<p>I wish you luck though :-)</p>

<p>next year will be rough, try to get your SAT II's iin the 750 range</p>

<p>i think only BC and VA will work out</p>

<p>Any other opinions/suggestions?</p>

<p>i think some of you are being a little harsh... i would assume that MR2200 would get into most of those schools...</p>

<p>beast EC, decent/good SATs (2170 isn't a joke), and a great GPA at 96.00...</p>

<p>i think definitely good shot at all</p>

<p>Wouldn't say beast ECs. Good but not incredibleomgcrazy. Could be stronger, really only consists of two sports. Not much about clubs, just a few honors societies. GPA is great though. Testing/EC not where it could be.</p>

<p>What about class rank an school competitive? Assuming you are near the top of the class...</p>

<p>I say UPenn, Princeton reject
Duke, Wash U, Chicago on the fence
Everything else in</p>

<p>yeah i read the EC's wrong lol</p>

<p>i thought they the OP was captain of the sports which would look very good then...</p>

<p>also it depends on where you go to high school in NY right now... because i know that a 95 in Bronx Science would possibly beat a 97 in Baruch</p>

<p>BTW my biggest suggestion is to find what you want to major in and get a lot of EC's for that</p>

<p>Anyone else...what are my chances for Stanford? Also, I took the ACT saturday and I'm retaking the SATs in May.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>Ill chime in for UVA</p>

<p>im from New York City and will be attending UVA this coming fall. I had lower SATS (750m, 650r, 660wr) and still made UVA. Academics, ec's were about the same</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Don't wanna sound all negative but west coast schools accept only the best from the east coast. In my extremely competitive school with 700+ students per class we have one every few years go to either stanford or UC Berkeley, In order to get accepted at Standford from the east coast 4.0's are the norm and amazing Ec's like RSI, Intel STS, ISEF, Siemens etc........ Don't wanna put a damper on you but thats the way it is, I think that UVA is a definent match for you and so is Emory, Duke might be a slight reach and I think depending on which school you apply to UPenn is high Reach: Wharton: sky high bro, no offense =].</p>