what are my chances at UCI , UCSD...(dont worry about hurting my feelings)

<p>...here are my stats
weighted gpa...4.1
SAT 1.....1670
SAT 2 US HIST...680..I WILL TAKE ANOTHER subject in october
EC....freshman basketball
operated my father's store during freshman and sophmore year ( 2 YRS)....does this count as a job eventhough i did not get paid?
youth group
volunteer at the local mosque (50hrs)
AP classes world history (did not pass test)
us history (most likely will pass with 4
english 11 ( most likely will pass with 3)
pysch ( did not take test)
senior year iam going to take 4 AP classes ( english,law and gov't, art history, bio)
Now, i was wondering if i can get into UCSD or UCI?????thanks if you can help( and even if you cant)....are there other UCs that i should be looking at?</p>

<p>OHHHH and also im an Asian American…middle class…1st generation
feel free to ask anymore questions…thanks</p>

<p>You have good assets, particularly your weighted GPA( UC weighted?), however, you are seriously lacking in other areas, ESP. SATs and ECs. If you did not fill the proper legal forms to certify that your father is also your employer, you may or may not get credit, although you can certainly write about the experience on your college personal statement. One year of basketball, especially freshman basketball, may also not be very noteworthy of an accomplishment. It would have been better if you would have received nice AP scores to go with your AP classes, and I would have suggested you have taken the AP Psychology exam. In terms of your overall competitiveness, it might be a stretch for schools like UCSD and UCI. However, if you dramatically, and I mean dramatically increased your SATs scores with a composite increase of around 200-400 points, you may have a decent/good chance. Also, try getting leadership positions running with the Youth Group that you are currently in.</p>

<p>hey thanks a lot for the candid reply. i will most likely not be able to retake the SAT 1 due to time limitations however will seriously look into improving my ECs. i had another question and wanted to clarify that im one of the leaders of the youth group…my question being that does your senior year GPA,number of AP classes, along with AP test results affect your enterance chances? thanks for the help</p>

<p>The colleges ask for a midyear report to see how you did 1st semester, whereas second semester they just see if you received a D or F in any class.</p>

<p>Honestly, your sat scores weigh you down the most. I’d honestly forget about any ec I have planned and instead focus on the SATI test, since it’s more important than any additional EC you’ll have.</p>

<p>Since you won’t have time, UCI might be a good match for you, while UCSD would be kind of a reach because of the SAT score, although the gpa should make up for it.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/948195-chance-me-ill-chance-you-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/948195-chance-me-ill-chance-you-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>tht first generation piece of info will be the x factor. and they do look at your course schedule your senior year… so good job with your schedule! good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your replies.This is the first thread that i made on college confidential and its been a great experience, however im not familiar with the CHANCE thingyyy( jlee92)</p>

<p>can more people reply so i can asses my situation better.thanks</p>

<p>UCs place the most weight on GPA and SATs. It will benefit your application to focus more on those two factors, since ECs don’t affect admissions significantly there.</p>

<p>updates on my AP test results…i got a 5 on the US History:) and a 3 on ap english 11:(…does this help or worsen my situation?</p>

<p>you said that i have a good chance at UCI…does this mean that its a good bet that ill get in because thats really where i want to go:)</p>

<p>your gpa is ok, but your test scores are not
2000 and ur good</p>