<p>Chance me please…</p>
<p>I have just finished my Junior year…</p>
<p>Planned major: business/economics</p>
<p>State: WI </p>
<p>GPA 9-11 (unweighted): 3.9063</p>
<p>SAT Scores:
1st time: Math: 710, Reading: 580, Writting: 680
2nd time: Math: 780, Reading: 590, Writting: 570
SAT II: Math 1: 790, Math 2: 780, Physics: 720, U.S History, 720,
Chinese: 800</p>
<p>AP and Honors Classes taken:
9th: AP Calc 1, AP Physics 1, Honors Earth Science
10th: AP Calc 2, AP Euro History, Enriched English 10
11th: AP Stats, AP Physics 2, AP Chem, AP US Gov’t, Enriched English 11
12th (scheduled): AP English Literature and Composition, AP Psychology,
Ap Macro Economy, Calc 3, Differential Equations</p>
<p>Other stuff: 200+ volunteer hours (at the library and at some Chinese culture
camps), president of our chess club and a regionaly chess
champion, member of National Honors Society(will be in my
senior year), member of 3 inter-city 1st place math teams, one
summer of work experience at a computer company, played on
the freshman basketball team</p>
- I know that my neither of my SAT I composite scores meet the UCLA requirements. However, doe UCLA (and other schools in the same tier) combine sub-scores from different test to make the highest posible composite score? If it does so, then my composite score would be 780+590+680=2050, which would easily fit UCLA’s score range.</p>
<li>I have heard that colleges will average the SAT scores after one has taken the SAT I three or more times. If I study hard during the summer, then I am confident that I can score between 2100-2200. But I would have to take the SAT not only a third time, but also in my senior year. Will that new score, even if it is better, increase my chances?</li>