what are my chances at university of miami

i applied ED1
30 ACT
GPA: 3.3 due to very late diagnosis of ADHD, after proper medication, my gpa is a 4.0 this semester
completed summer school at university of miami, earned 6 college credits, got A’s in both courses
part of domestic violence club
volunteer at homeless shelter
babysitter for an autistic kid
4 years of varsity athletics
traveled 2 hours each way to compete with an elite team
recommendation from the department chair of my major (who was my summer school teacher)
paying full tuition

Act should be fine for ED, GPA is pretty low but you seem to have decent extra curriculars and since you’ve already done some work at Miami, that’s only a boost, what is your class rigor like? I know most schools are paying a lot of attention to the amount of AP’s/Honor’s/College Level classes but regardless, I’d say you have probably a 60% chance at being admitted. Good Luck!!

@umum1234 Please let me know if you get in, I have the exact same stats as you, same everything, right down to the late ADHD diagnosis. I applied EA though, please lmk the decision you receive

You’ll get in.