What are my chances for all UCs

Hey, I already applied for UCs but I am just waiting for letters to come in.
GPA: 3.5
SAT: 1310
SAT Essay: 7 7 7
6 AP Classes through sophomore and junior year
AP Biology
AP Statistics
AP English
AP Environmental Science
AP Computer Science
Pre Calc Honors

Started my own nonprofit to help children get education in underprivileged countries
Swim team for 4 years
volunteered at the food bank often
Work 12 hrs a week
Tutored students for 30 hours
Advisor for UCSF summer camp

let me know if I forgot anything thanks!


UCR is a 50/50 proposition, UCM will probably accept you. The rest are pretty unlikely.

Did you apply elsewhere?

easily Irvine and Davis, and maybe UCSB. Let us know where you end up.

I agree with @NCalRent. I don’t know whether your 3.5 GPA is weighted or not. For UCI, UCD and UCSB, you need a UC GPA of at least 4.0 to 4.1, weighted. Depending on whether you applied to an impacted major (Engineering, CS or Biology, etc.), you might get in with an unweighted GPA of around 3.7 if you applied under something easier to get into.

@UCBUSCalum i thought bio is not impacted since it’s under the college of letters and science. Just windering bc u got me worried since i applied for bio

@ironweasal: For UCD and UCI, Biology is in the College of Biological Sciences and not in L&S. Biology is in L&S at UCSB. I do know that for UCI and UCD, Biology is impacted.

Even at UCSB, biology is more difficult to get into than say political science. For example, I know of a couple of student last year with similar stats (about a 4.1 UC GPA and 29 to 30 on the ACT). The one who applied for bio. got waitlisted and ultimately did not get accepted. The other one, who applied under some social science, was invited to the Chancelor’s reception and got into UCSB. This was the same pattern across the board for the other mid-tier UC"s (UCI and UCD).

@UCBUSCalum wow and i thought i had a decent shot at UCSB. Thanks for crushing my hopes.

There are other factors too, such as ECs, your essay, etc. UCSB tends to review more holistically. The fact is UC’s are getting more difficult to get into.

25th percentile GPA was 3.96 and 75th percentile 4.25