What are my Chances for NYU, FSU, UF, and Emory?

<p>I sorta copypasta'd it from a previous post I made...
Hello! I wanted to ask about how I would up my chances of getting into Columbia, NYU, FSU, UF and Emory at my current (and seemingly sad compared to other students -_-) standing. I'm a high school senior with a 3.3 unweighted (4.1 weighted..I think) GPA, am in the top 4% of my class (I'm #5), with an ok school schedule(which is below). I can honestly say I seriously screwed up my 9th and 10th grade year (major depression, going to the shrink regularly, missing up to 30 days of school a year, skipping classes, yadda yadda excuses) so that will honestly screw up my chances. So what are my chances? Is there any way I can up my Chances?</p>

<p>-AP Scores:
Human Geo: 3
US History: (I never received my scores, but from what my teachers were saying about the class scores...I'd rather not have them -_-)

<p>-Sat Scores:
550 Math
560 Reading
530 Writing
(On a note, I'm DEFINITELY retaking the SATs in October. I took it to see how I stood currently and took it 3 days after school exams and after not sleeping for a week ;_;. Bad idea was bad)</p>

<p>-8th Grade:
Algebra I: B
Spanish I: -B</p>

<p>-9th Grade:
AP Human Geo: -C
Eng I Honors: - C
Geometry: -A
Integrated Science: +A
Medical Skills: -A
Fashion Production: B
Health/Life Management Skills: B
Semantics & Logic: A</p>

<p>-10th Grade:
English 2: -A
Algebra II Honors: -B
Biology I Honors: -A
World History Honors: -A
Costume Makeup: +A
Costume Design: -A
French I: B
French II: B</p>

<p>-11th Grade:
English III Honors: -A
Analysis of Functions: B
Chemistry I Honors (Advanced): -A (The advanced part being that they tortured us with more work but refused to give us extra credit for it since it was an "experimental" class that was meant as a Pre-AP Chem class.)
AP US History: +A
Culinary Operations 1: -A
Psychology I: B
Psychology II: B
Sociology: +A
Drivers ED: B</p>

<p>-12th Grade (Current Schedule):
AP Psychology:
AP Literature:
Culinary Operations 2:
American Sign Language I:
AP Government:
AP Macro:
Fitness Lifestyle Designs (PE 2):
Phys. Ed:</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
-GAP Program for 9th and 10th grade (some junk about getting into AP classes. Its a weird prep school thing that encourages students to take APs while taking classes during summer. I hardly went to it except for MAYBE the 1st day and all the school meetings).
-Tutoring 2nd graders my 9th grade year by helping their reading skills & reading to them(technically volunteer hours BUT I didn't count them so I don't know how many hours I did. I remember going every week for an hour from October to the end of April)
-Dreams for Teens: Its a school/parent club seeking to improve the school by helping students and the teacher body and various other things. I started going my 11th grade year and will be going this year
-Soon to join NHS
-FCCLA my 11th Grade year (another club I was in that fell apart after a few months due to inactivity and NO ONE trying to get anything done -_-. I'm rejoining my 12th grade year and hope to improve it.
-I've been in PETA since I was in the 4th grade
-I'm joining FBLA this year
-Running a restuarant with fellow students during school hours (Basically what I do in Culinary Operations 1 & 2 during class and sometimes my lunch period)
-Media Center Assitant</p>



<p>can u tell us ur cumulative gpa, class rank, and sat IIs???? anyways this is alright but i would say NYU is a little tougher to get into than the other schools</p>

<p>Hey Simi. I'm Theos, and I'm from Florida also. I go to Pine Ridge high, and I'm a sophmore. Anyway, my personal opinion is that you would definitely meet the requirements for UF and FSU. As for Emory, and NYU, those will both be a bit tougher but definitely worth it. The experience of going to an out of state school is far more worth it than going to an in state school. Even if you don't have the fundings, seek scholarships. There are many out there and you have excellent grades so you shouldn't have a hard time finding them!</p>

<p>As for Columbia, your acceptance their would depend on those factors but more importantly extracurricular activites. Being president, or a participant in several clubs will look well. It's even more impressive, being a long term member.</p>

<p>Overall, I think you're doing very well. Just keep it up, join a few extra clubs, and seek out as many scholarships as possible. As for your acceptance to the above mentioned uni's, be sure to make your application essay unique and persuasive. There will be many applicants for the schools you mentioned but overall it's what you say, that makes you stick out. Write, and be one in the million. You'll definitely need it! (literally lol).</p>

<p>Well, I hope my feedback helped. If I didn't you can always try shooting me an Email at <a href="mailto:Theosarizos@yahoo.com">Theosarizos@yahoo.com</a> </p>

<p>I am a fellow student like yourself, however, I do have a family member who was accepted into Oxford university and a sibling who is alumni of Columbia. Good luck!:)</p>

<p>~ Theos ~</p>

<p>No chance at NYU or Emory.
Probably not at UF
FSU is a maybe.</p>

<p>The middle 50% of FSU's incoming 2008 class had a weighted GPA between 3.7 and 4.1. Your 4.1 would be fine, but you might want to double check that it is in fact a 4.1.</p>

<p>The average sat ranged between an 1190 and 1330. Your 1110 kills you here, so make sure you study for the retake.</p>

<p>UF is even tougher yet. The middle 50% of GPAs was between 4.0 and 4.4 and the SAT ranges between 1210 and 1400. </p>

<p>To have a decent shot at the other two (NYU and Emory), you need near a 4.0 along with a 1300+ SAT and an extensive list of "high profile" ECs.</p>

<p>Retake the SAT after a prep course.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! I got into these schools so far: FSU, UCF, FAMU. I’m waiting for my acceptance/decline letters from: USF and UoF.</p>

<p>Oh, and I retook the SATs. Got the same scores basically O_O</p>

<p>Then NYU and Emory are definitely not happening…</p>

<p>I didn’t apply there. I decided to go to FSU in the end since I don’t really like Emory (too boring) and NYU’s cost is totally ridiculous. Same with Columbia.</p>

<p>lol at chances for Columbia, and the subsequent comment by Theos.</p>

<p>Columbia could care less about “clubs.”</p>

<p>To even be within striking distance, you’d need a 1400/1600+ or a 2150/2400+ SAT with absolute knockout ECs and essays.</p>

<p>Some people are obviously confused about the competitiveness of certain schools (except goot…he/she got it right).</p>

<p>Yeah, those SAT scores kill your chances at NYU and Emory. Sorry. </p>

<p>(Chance me back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/608723-i-d-adore-you-if-you-d-chance-me.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/608723-i-d-adore-you-if-you-d-chance-me.html&lt;/a&gt;)</p>