What are my chances for Top 20 schools?

<p>Applying: Penn (Wharton), Notre Dame, USC, Michigan (Ross), Virginia, Wake Forest, Boston College
White, Male, lives in WA, private college prep school
-Studying Business Finance/Accounting
-GPA: 3.99/4.0 unweighted, 8 AP classes, 2 Uinversity of Washington high school courses, 7 other honors courses, 4 years of student government class
-SAT combined: 2290-800 critical reading, 780 writing, 710 math
-SAT II: Math II: 720, Literature: 780, US History: 720
-AP Tests taken so far: AP English Language and Comp: 5, AP world history: 5. AP Us history: 4
-Elected as a freshman leadership officer (1 of 4), sophomore officer (1 of 4), junior class president, senior class president.
-Paid summer internship in public service going into senior year, 40 selected out of 600 applicants, helped fight hunger in large urban city
-7 varsity letters (4 wrestling, 3 lacrosse)
-two time varsity wrestling captain
-individual academic state wrestling champion
-State championships participant in wrestling
-state runner up in lacrosse
-lacrosse jv captain
-DECA area vice president
-6th in state DECA competition
-2 time delegate at a servant leadership summer camp
-Participant in a week long summer camp surrounding business simulation
-Head of high school Super Fans club
-A mentor for a child with special needs in a non-profit organization where I spend two hours weekly hanging out with my buddy
-Involved with Catholic community at school as a minister
-2 student of the year awards, one regional student of the month award
-National Honor Society</p>

<p>Let me know how you think I'll fare with my top 7 schools.</p>