<p>Asian, female. upcoming senior, immigrant, came to US for 4years
high school gpa 3.75weighted (my school doesn't rank)
4.08 uc weighted
4.05 private? private counts freshmen gpa right?
freshmen: 3.7
soph: 3.5 i self studied two aps at the time...so...
junior: 3.9
taking 6 aps in school including senior year
self studied ap chem, ap bio
ap scores:
ap physics b 5
ap chem 4
ap music theory 4
ap bio 3
taking ap stat, ap cal bc ap physics c next year
i was in honor math program since freshmen year, didn't take other honor classes...
sat :1870, i studied a lot in the summer, i think i will get above 2000 at least aiming for 2100
sat 2: chinese 800, math 2c 800 chem 740 physic 740
i didn't join sports or club or band...(thats very terrible right?)
but...i am volunteering in city of hope since soph summer, and i passes level advance piano exam...and i writing chinese novels in the spare time( that takes me lots of time, i post them online and i do have many readers XP, ranking top 200 stories in some pop literature website...kind of studpid tho..)
anyway...what are my chances for UC's and any suggestions of out-state private schools?</p>
<p>wow…u are similar to me except im live in canada so i have worse chances to go to better US skewls =(</p>
<p>ok err doesnt say which major but well</p>
<p>berkely would be a reach…
ucla maybe high match low reach if ur can raise ur sat to 2050+ than u probs will make it</p>
<p>other ucs probably in =) though you should increase ur sats ass much as u can</p>
<p>Try to get some stories published… you’ll have more credibility that way.</p>
<p>its reallllllllllllllly hard to publish something in chinese since i am in us…</p>
<p>oh…i want to major in electrical engineering…</p>
<p>Raise your SAT scores for sure is what I think you should do and your extra curriculars are lacking.</p>
<p>but what can i do to make up my ecs?</p>
<p>You could always try to get it published in China; internet submission would probably work. Just a suggestion.</p>
<p>i can print the stories out into book forms…but publication may be kind of hard…anyway…what private college should i apply? i am thinking of john hopkins or cornell for early adm…and cmu and usc and purdue for regular…i think…</p>