What are my chances for Wisconsin-Madison

W GPA: 3.9
ACT: 26
Took 2 APs (2 senior year)
Class rank: 104/386
Many honors classes throughout high school

Senior year courses:
AP Calculus
AP U.S. Government & Politics
Honors World Literature
Marketing & DECA
DECA Internship

Religious school student teacher - 4 years
RYL (regional youth leadership) group- Junior year
Student Council - 2 years and class treasurer both years
DECA junior and senior year
NHS member
High school basketball team manager- 4 years
Ambassador club- 3 years

Ohio resident
Applying for Business major (marketing or management)
Essay and recommendations: very good

Your unweighted gpa counts. You can calculate it. It is likely much lower and combined with your test score you are not a shoo in. Be sure to have a backup school.