What are my chances getting into university of Arizona

i’m currently finishing my first year of college last semester was my second i didn’t do well during that second semester so they put me on academic probation and now this semester i know i’m not gonna do well cause i’m taking this class for my major requirements i’m supposed to have a C in this class but my teacher had messed up my grade and i’m doing ok in my other class so i have to re-take the class that my teacher messed me up in however, i applied to a new community college i didn’t send my previous transcript cause i wanted to start from the begging cause now i know what it takes to get a good passing grade. however since i didn’t send in my previous community college when i apply to UA from that college it will still say academic probation but my question is if i get all A’s plus i’m already in clubs and do community service will my previous transcript have effect and what are my chances after all of this my major is studio arts i’m even with the high grades, community serivce, and clubs i’m still worried about the previous college so what are my chances

What is your GPA? If all your grades are Cs and Ds you may not get in, but one C won’t affect you that much.