GPA- 3.3 (UW) 3.9 (W)
SAT- 700 Math 530 Critical Reading</p>
<p>AP Classes Taken:
AP U.S Government
AP Human Geography
AP U.S History
AP Comparative Gov't
AP Psychology
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
Asian American Club 4 years
Indoor Track and Field 2 years
Outdoor Track and field 2 years
Key Club 2 Years</p>
<p>In my judgment, you won't get in for the September semester, but you will for January. You might plan accordingly since this is what happened to a number of kids with similar stats as yours.</p>
<p>Here's the freshman profile so you can see how you compare. While you're not a shoo-in I think you've got a chance. You probably want to apply by the priority deadline to give yourself the best shot. University</a> of Maryland - Freshman Profile Information</p>
<p>bulletandpima, UMD takes 70% of its freshman class from in-state. so if you're applying from out-of-state, you'll need to have better scores to be more competitive since you can only be in that 30%.</p>
<p>I foresee you getting waitlisted and offer a spot in Freshmen Connection. Go to the website to research more on it. You will not be able to live on campus in fall, and maybe not even Spring, but you can live off campus at The View and take courses in the fall. </p>
<p>For an instate candidate, you're pretty average. A 3.3 UW is nothing spectacular compared to the applicants at Maryland. Most of my friends from instate had 3.75-4.0 UW GPA and SATs in the 1300-mid1400 range. </p>
<p>However, hopefully you applied Early Action because then your'e chances are a bit better for Fall 2008. </p>