What are my chances of getting accepted into U of Miami and receiving merit scholarships?

I am currently a Junior in high school looking to apply to UM and I want to know what are my chances of getting in and if I would get any financial award from UM.

New SAT score with essay: 1400, 6/6/7 Essay
GPA Unweighted: 3.96
GPA Weighted: 4.92

Current AP Classes (test scores not received yet): AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Statistics, AP United States Government and Politics, AP English Language and Composition.

Senior Year AP Classes: AP Physics I, AP Calculus BC, AP European History, AP English Literature and Composition

Extracurricular Activities:

Employed at Starbucks
Member of High School Gay Straight Alliance Executive Council for Junior and Senior year
Second Chair Cellist in HS Orchestra
Member of Science National Honor Society
Participates in science fairs: Pittsburgh Regional Science and Engineering Fair (2 years) and Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (4 years at regional level, 3 years at state level)
Volunteer for local hospital, library, and community television

Your UW GPA puts you in great standing for one of UMiami’s merit scholarships. Your SAT score is quite high as well, and is within the 75th percentile for Miami (as per their latest common data set).

They don’t seem to disclose their exact cutoffs for merit aid, but it looks like you have a really good chance.

Good luck! I hope you get it :slight_smile:

No one can say for sure but my D had similar stats and received $18k/yr. Good luck!

I agree that you should have a good chance for at least an $18k - $25k merit scholarship. If you can, you may want to take your SAT once more to get it a bit higher which might give you a better chance for one of the full tuition scholarship award. Also you should apply EA which will help you get a higher award.