What are my chances of getting accepted off of the deferred list as OOS student?

GPA: 3.67/4 (I know this is low for OOS)
ACT: 32
several community service clubs with leadership positions
News Editor for school newspaper
Job working as a Sports Official at the YMCA
Essays: My English teachers who reviewed and edited them said they were very good
Recommendations: Two strong recs

I’m not too familiar with the deferral process for UW-Madison. How competitive is it for OOS students to get off of the deferred list? Based on the basic stats that I gave, what are my chances of getting accepted?

I also forgot to mention that my class-rank was 155/565 in the second best high school in my state in a very competitive senior class.

Chances are solid, especially with that ACT. Hard to predict with any certainty, but you are certainly in the mix. Hang in there, and good luck!