What are my chances of getting accepted to the University of Miami?

I am a senior in high school. During my freshman and sophomore years of high school I got 3 concussions which resulted in my grades dropping. I also had depression and anxiety during that time. Freshman and sophomore years my cumulative GPA was a 2.99. My junior year of high school I overcame a lot- my depression, ADHD, and results of my concussions- and got all A’s and B’s and ended the year with a 4.1 GPA. Raising my cumulative GPA to a 3.39. I got a 28 on my ACT.
I applied to the University of Miami early decision because I really want to go there. And I also participated in their Summer Scholars Program over the summer where I took college level courses at the campus and received college credits.

Do I have a chance of getting in? Do you think they will acknowledge my positive trend?

They will most definitely notice your upward trend and will appreciate the fact that you didn’t do bad on the ACT. ED shows that you are 100% committed to going to the U, which is definitely good for your chances. It also depends on where you live, and other factors.

you have a good chance, if not - remember a lot of people get deferred and get accepted later on - because of the new president from Harvard who is trying to make miami an even better school, their acceptance process has been messed up the past two years and they end up accepting a lot of qualified people that they rejected after they are deferred.

Could someone chance me? Miami is a reach for me
SAT: 1360, 650 M, 710 EBRW – essay section 8 7 8
GPA: School does not do cumulative-- 3.3 freshman, 2.8 sophomore, 3.6 junior, so far senior 3.7 UW
Rank: School does not rank
Wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until end of sophomore year– that’s why my grades were so bad (counselor says so in rec)-- this means I could not get into an AP or Honors course at my school

Essays: Wrote a great essay on finding who I am through playing hockey
Teacher Recs: Good
Counselor Rec: Should be good
ECs: 3 sport varsity athlete (spend all my time doing sports)
Hook?: My school is in the top 20 private schools in America
Other: White, Female, OOS (MI)