<p>I just finished my UC apps and I know UCLA is a long shot, but I applied anyways. I picked a really random major, Korean studies. It's something I would do if I got in, but I would have preffered business. But since everyone applies for business, I figured I would be safe with a less chosen major. What are my chances?</p>
<p>GPA weighted: 4.17
SAT reading and math: 1310
overall SAT: 1950</p>
<p>Umm....are you from california? and are you Korean? (if you're Korean, then majoring in Korean studies might make you seem...idk..but it will emphasize that you're Asian which unfortunately is not good for admissions lol).</p>
<p>no, I'm not korean. I just think that it won't be as popular a major as others. In general, are there a lot of people who go into language and culture studies these days?</p>