<p>I am currently trying to transfer from Texas Tech University to TAMU. My admission decision was postponed until i submit my spring transcripts before june 1st. Currently i have a 3.3 GPA with a C in english 1. Other than that i would have had a 3.65 GPA. I have and A in calc and all my engineering courses and a B in chem. currently i am taking physics, calc 2. And 2 other engr courses along with english in the summer. I currently have As in all my engr courses and maths. I will end up with a B in chem lab ( i know it was an easy A but i lost my lab book haha) and a B in physics. The minimum GPA from a university is a 3.0+ and a 3.5+ from a junior college. I want to know because it is closer to my home town and would be nice to be closer to family. doMy people get accepted after review? And are my chances higher because i am coming from a university? ( i love TTU its an amazing school btw just far). Also does being hispanic and a first generation college student give me an advantage?</p>
<p>Anything will be greatly appreciated! Thank you</p>