What are my chances of getting into Emory ED?!

<p>What are my chances of getting into Emory ED?</p>

<p>High School: Veryyyy competitive public school Was recently named the best public high school in my state
Course load: a heavy course load... many honors and AP courses
GPA: 3.4/3.5 unweighted (I know it's bad, but my school is tough). My school does not rank
SAT: 2030/2400, 1320/1600</p>

-President/Founder of a Junior State of America chapter at my school
-Medical Response Technician (MRT) for my town. I am currently training to upgrade my certification to an EMT. I volunteer once a week for 3 hours (I would do more but they can only have me work one shift a week)
-News Editor of my schools award-winning bi-weekely newspaper. This takes up a lot of my time, as we publish an issue every 2 weeks. We recently won an All-American Award which means we are one of the best high school newspapers in the country.
-Varsity cheerleading for 2 years
-I work at parties on the weekend for a cooking school
-Chairman of the Children's committee at a local museum </p>

- took AP Government and recieved an A (I'm sending this transcript to Emory)
-Other programs at universities involving politics and international relations (specifics don't matter)
-SpaceCamp for 5 summers in a row (call me a loser, I really don't care)</p>

<p>Essays: Amazing. Moving, creative, etc.
Recs: Amazing</p>

<p>Please let me know what you think my chances are!</p>

<p>Oh, and I have visited the campus, spoken to my admissions officer, written the dean of admissions, and ordered the video visit. I know Emory want to know its applicants are interested, which I definitely am.</p>

<p>je ne sais pas, peut etre ??</p>

<p>solid. Emory is a slight reach/high-match probably depending on your course load rigor</p>

<p>you should be fine…I got into emory last year and I only had a 1900 SAT</p>

<p>Last year would have been a shoe-in. I hope this year is too!</p>

<p>Will applying early decision push me towards an acceptance though? I know it’s a bit of a reach, but I’m hoping that applying ED will give me an advantage.</p>

<p>I advise that you only use English on CC lol</p>

<p>Hahaha it’s not like I was speaking in French! My username is just French.</p>

<p>By the way, here are my senior year courses:
AP Literature and Language, AP Environmental Science, AP Calculus AB, AP European History, Advanced Journalism, Independent Study in Gov’t</p>



<p>oui oui! bonne chance!</p>

<p>hahaha merci! Does any one else have any opinions? I mean I already applied but I would like to know what people think my chances are.</p>

<p>I think you have a great chance, only thing that I see holding you back is your GPA. Being OOS is a nice little bonus
Chance me back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/590601-omg-average-student-cc-what-odds.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/590601-omg-average-student-cc-what-odds.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>bumpppppppppppppp… again.</p>