What are my chances of getting into UC Irvine, UC San Diego, and UC Riverside?

I am currently an incoming senior and have a 4.38 cumulative GPA (unweighted 3.8). I believe this is a good GPA for UC schools, however, my SAT score isn’t as high (new SAT 1140). I was wondering what my chances are into these three UC’s, and if the SAT score will have a dramatic effect.

These are my extracurriculars/activities:
-National Honor Society
-California Scholarship Federation
-Peer tutor
-Yearbook Staff team leader/ member for 2 years now
-Volleyball trainer for the girls varsity team at my middle school
-Over 200+ hours (and counting) at a convalescent home/hospital I’ve been volunteering at since 8th grade
-Over 100+ hours (and counting) at my church
-French club member
-Rosary and Arts club (we make rosaries, crafts, and do service projects for the those in need)
-Piano (lessons once a week)
-Summer job

Also, for a boost? (maybe)
-ELC Program (in top 9 percent in my HS)
-family members at UCI and UCR

UC GPA capped weighted and fully weighted. https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

UC’s do not consider legacy.
SAT needs to up to at least 1300+ for UCI and 1400+ for UCSD for the best chances. UCR is within range but intended major can make the difference.

UC’s consider GPA/Test Scores/HS course rigor and essays very important. EC 's are important but do not make up for lower than average stats. In August, when the new Freshman profiles are posted compare your stats to see where you stand. In the meantime, retake the SAT or try the ACT.

ELC eligibility only guarantees a spot if available at UC Merced.

My weighted and capped GPA is a 4.07. Is UCI a more forgiving school when it comes to lower test scores than expected? Also, I took the ACT but I am waiting for the results right now.

UCI tends to be more forgiving on lower than average tests scores if the UC GPA is 4.0+, but the UC’s continue to become more competitive so you need competitive stats for the best chances.

Based on last year’s Freshman profile, your GPA is solid but your test scores put you below the 50th percentile. Hopefully your ACT results with be higher.

Also intended major will have a significant impact on your chances. UCI admits into the University and then into the major, so you could get into UCI but not into your preferred major. They also consider alternate majors, so make sure you do list one on your application.

GPA and test scores of middle 25%-75% students

High School UC GPA: 3.93 - 4.22
ACT Composite Score: 25 - 32
SAT Critical Reading: 530 - 670
SAT Mathematics: 590-740

I would wait to see the 2017 Freshman profiles posted in August to see how you compare.